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A Aristocracy Democracy and System Design PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Aristocracy, Democracy, and System Design Otherwise known as.. Another presentation from Caladain
Slide 2 - Conceptual Integrity Conceptual integrity is the most important consideration in system design.
Slide 3 - Conceptual Integrity It is better to have a system omit certain anomalous features and improvements, but to reflect one set of design ideas, than to have one that contains many good but independent and uncoordinated ideas.
Slide 4 - Consequences/Questions raised How is conceptual integrity to be achieved? Does not this argument imply an intellectual elite?
Slide 5 - Consequences/Questions raised How does one keep the architects from drifting off into the blue? How does one insure every trifling detail of an architectural specification gets communicated to the implementer and is properly understood by him?
Slide 6 - Achieving Conceptual Integrity Conceptual integrity is achieved by having the design proceed forth from one mind, or from a small number of minds that resonate the same idea.
Slide 7 - Intellectual Elite Does this small group of architects form an intellectual elite. Yes, in that they have sole design privileges, and thus creative control over that aspect No, in that the implementation is just as important creative affair as the design, moreso in some cases.
Slide 8 - Implimentors But doesn’t that mean the implimentors are idle while the specification is being compiled?
Slide 9 - Implimentors No, they have plenty of busy work that must be done before they even start coding, such as setting up tools and environments.
Slide 10 - Questions? Questions?