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6b-What is the role of the mosque-Learnanywhere PowerPoint Presentation

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Slide 1 - Unit 5b: How do Muslims express their beliefs? Unit 6b: What is the role of the mosque?
Slide 2 - Unit 6b: Worship and Community: What is the role of the mosque? Unit 6b: What is the role of the mosque? Look at these pictures of mosques. What differences do you notice? What are the similarities?
Slide 3 - Unit 6b: Worship and Community: What is the role of the mosque? Unit 6b: What is the role of the mosque? Mosques are built so that they face towards Makkah, which is the birthplace of the prophet Muhammed . Which direction is Makkah from the UK? Makkah U.K.
Slide 4 - Unit 6b: Worship and Community: What is the role of the mosque? Unit 6b: What is the role of the mosque? The mosque is a sacred space where Muslims come to pray. There is an area where Muslims can perform wudu. This is when Muslims wash themselves in preparation for prayer. The main area of the mosque is where Muslims gather to pray, facing towards Mecca. The floor is usually covered with carpet or rugs, upon which the believers kneel during prayers.
Slide 5 - Unit 6b: Worship and Community: What is the role of the mosque? Unit 6b: What is the role of the mosque? The mosque is also a central point for the Muslim community who belong to it, and has many other functions apart from the daily prayers. These include: Weddings Community meals Qur’an school Arabic lessons Funerals Islamic library Advice centre Youth activities Research the activities which go on at your local mosque, church, community group or school. Design a poster or leaflet which explains the different functions of the building or group you have chosen.
Slide 6 - Unit 6b: Worship and Community: What is the role of the mosque? Unit 6b: What is the role of the mosque? Things to think about before a visit to a mosque. What are you expecting to see? How do you think you will feel? How should you behave during the visit? Is it important to observe rules, such as taking off your shoes, keeping quiet, etc? What do you think the people who use the mosque will be expecting from you and your group? How are you going to record the things you learn on your visit?