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6 Cloud Security Challenges You Should Aware of PowerPoint Presentation

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6 Cloud Security Challenges You Should Aware of Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - 6 Cloud Security Challenges You Should Know About In 2022
Slide 2 - Today, the cloud is a haven for businesses since they store their sensitive data in the cloud. While it offers you much more scalability and agility, it also risks exposing your business's confidential information, financial data, healthcare records, personal information, etc.
Slide 3 - 1. Lack of Skilled Cloud Security Experts Other than the exposure of sensitive data, listed are the top 6 Cloud Security Challenges that you should know as a business: 4. Poor Data Access Management 3. Phishing Emails 2. Insider Threats 5. Larger Attack Area 6. Lesser Control & Visibility
Slide 4 - Lack of Skilled Cloud Security Experts Since cloud security is such a complex task, it requires subject matter expertise and a considerable amount of experience. Henceforth, it could be challenging for businesses to recruit more skilled and experienced cloud security experts.
Slide 5 - Insider Threats Insider threats can be the most dreadful ones as the people inside your organization are the ones that put you at risk (or, instead, cause the risk). Moreover, it is challenging for any organization since you can't predict an insider threat.
Slide 6 - Phishing Emails Since businesses tend to provide their personal information to several important apps and cloud service providers like Dropbox or Google Cloud, hackers leverage this habit to create phishing emails with links to trick employees into accidentally entering confidential information about your cloud data and applications.
Slide 7 - Poor Data Access Management In most business frameworks, user access is managed very loosely. The distribution of access to the database is also not specified within the systems. This could lead to compromised security and create loopholes for attackers.
Slide 8 - Larger Attack Surface Using clouds for your business can be enticing but comes with a cost of a larger exposed surface for cyber-attacks. Only a secure (preferably a managed) Cloud service can help you avoid such challenges.
Slide 9 - Lesser Control & Visibility Due to the lack of direct control over cloud space (in case you have a fully managed public cloud or managed security service), you sometimes seem to lose visibility & feel out of control.
Slide 10 - CONTACT US