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End Unfortunate Pregnancy with Cytotec PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional End Unfortunate Pregnancy with Cytotec powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on End Unfortunate Pregnancy with Cytotec in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

The uploader spent his/her valuable time to create this End Unfortunate Pregnancy with Cytotec powerpoint presentation slides, to share his/her useful content with the world. This ppt presentation uploaded by onlinegenericpillrx in General & Others ppt presentation category is available for free download,and can be used according to your industries like finance, marketing, education, health and many more.

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End Unfortunate Pregnancy with Cytotec Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - End Unfortunate Pregnancy with Cytotec Abortion can be done at home
Slide 2 - Uses of Cytotec This medication is used to prevent stomach ulcers. This pill is also used in combination with Mifepristone to end unwanted pregnancy. This pill protects your stomach lining by lowering the amount of acid
Slide 3 - How to take Cytotec? This should be consumed orally without crushing, breaking or mashing thrice a day by following gap of 3 hours. Wherein, In vaginal process, the tablet needs to be inserted after maintaining gap of 6,12 or 24 hours gap.
Slide 4 - Precautions should be taken: Daily use of alcohol and tobacco may increase your risk for stomach bleeding. Limit alcohol beverages and stop smoking.
Slide 5 - When you can take this pill You can take this pill before 8 weeks of your pregnancy.
Slide 6 - About OnlineGenericPillrx You can purchase Cytotec online USA from the best online pharmacy store. We always make sure that your order will be delivered at the given time. We also offer shipping and a guaranteed replacement option.
Slide 7 - To know more: Our Website : https://onlinegenericpillrx.com Call us at: 1-800-704-2951 Mail us at : info@onlinegenericpillrx.com
Slide 8 - Social Media Sites: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Onlinegenericpills Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/onlinegenericpillrx/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcAn6BJ73ao
Slide 9 - Thank You