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Leading Cord Blood and Best Stem Cells Banking in India | MyCord PowerPoint Presentation

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Leading Cord Blood and Best Stem Cells Banking in India | MyCord Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank Name-Mycord Official Address-Cellugen House, 62, Udyog Vihar Phase 1, Gurgaon 122016 Contactno.-099100 09223 Website Link-https://www.mycord.com
Slide 2 - #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank Name-Mycord Official Address-Cellugen House, 62, Udyog Vihar Phase 1, Gurgaon 122016 Contactno.-099100 09223 Website Link-https://www.mycord.com #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank MyCord brings technical expertise and cutting edge equipment in a state-of-the-art facility comparable to the best in the world under one roof. Care has been taken for uninterrupted, twenty-four hour power supply ensuring that the quality of cells is not compromised during processing or banking. One of the unique features of our facility is utilization of the vapour phase of liquid nitrogen to store cord blood and cord tissue stem cells in liquid nitrogen tanks that are placed in a standardized clean room environment to prevent any kind of contamination. The quality control laboratory and the stem cell processing areas follow strict international guidelines of GMP, GTP and GLP.
Slide 3 - #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank Name-Mycord Official Address-Cellugen House, 62, Udyog Vihar Phase 1, Gurgaon 122016 Contactno.-099100 09223 Website Link-https://www.mycord.com #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank MyCord brings technical expertise and cutting edge equipment in a state-of-the-art facility comparable to the best in the world under one roof. Care has been taken for uninterrupted, twenty-four hour power supply ensuring that the quality of cells is not compromised during processing or banking. One of the unique features of our facility is utilization of the vapour phase of liquid nitrogen to store cord blood and cord tissue stem cells in liquid nitrogen tanks that are placed in a standardized clean room environment to prevent any kind of contamination. The quality control laboratory and the stem cell processing areas follow strict international guidelines of GMP, GTP and GLP. #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank STEM CELL POOL BANKING IN DELHI
Slide 4 - #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank Name-Mycord Official Address-Cellugen House, 62, Udyog Vihar Phase 1, Gurgaon 122016 Contactno.-099100 09223 Website Link-https://www.mycord.com #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank MyCord brings technical expertise and cutting edge equipment in a state-of-the-art facility comparable to the best in the world under one roof. Care has been taken for uninterrupted, twenty-four hour power supply ensuring that the quality of cells is not compromised during processing or banking. One of the unique features of our facility is utilization of the vapour phase of liquid nitrogen to store cord blood and cord tissue stem cells in liquid nitrogen tanks that are placed in a standardized clean room environment to prevent any kind of contamination. The quality control laboratory and the stem cell processing areas follow strict international guidelines of GMP, GTP and GLP. #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank STEM CELL POOL BANKING IN DELHI #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank Securing Future : Cord Blood Banking Companies In India
Slide 5 - #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank Name-Mycord Official Address-Cellugen House, 62, Udyog Vihar Phase 1, Gurgaon 122016 Contactno.-099100 09223 Website Link-https://www.mycord.com #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank MyCord brings technical expertise and cutting edge equipment in a state-of-the-art facility comparable to the best in the world under one roof. Care has been taken for uninterrupted, twenty-four hour power supply ensuring that the quality of cells is not compromised during processing or banking. One of the unique features of our facility is utilization of the vapour phase of liquid nitrogen to store cord blood and cord tissue stem cells in liquid nitrogen tanks that are placed in a standardized clean room environment to prevent any kind of contamination. The quality control laboratory and the stem cell processing areas follow strict international guidelines of GMP, GTP and GLP. #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank STEM CELL POOL BANKING IN DELHI #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank Securing Future : Cord Blood Banking Companies In India #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank Cord Blood Banking Market In India
Slide 6 - #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank Name-Mycord Official Address-Cellugen House, 62, Udyog Vihar Phase 1, Gurgaon 122016 Contactno.-099100 09223 Website Link-https://www.mycord.com #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank MyCord brings technical expertise and cutting edge equipment in a state-of-the-art facility comparable to the best in the world under one roof. Care has been taken for uninterrupted, twenty-four hour power supply ensuring that the quality of cells is not compromised during processing or banking. One of the unique features of our facility is utilization of the vapour phase of liquid nitrogen to store cord blood and cord tissue stem cells in liquid nitrogen tanks that are placed in a standardized clean room environment to prevent any kind of contamination. The quality control laboratory and the stem cell processing areas follow strict international guidelines of GMP, GTP and GLP. #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank STEM CELL POOL BANKING IN DELHI #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank Securing Future : Cord Blood Banking Companies In India #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank Cord Blood Banking Market In India #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank STEM CELL POOL BANKING SERVICE IN GURUGRAM
Slide 7 - #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank Name-Mycord Official Address-Cellugen House, 62, Udyog Vihar Phase 1, Gurgaon 122016 Contactno.-099100 09223 Website Link-https://www.mycord.com #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank MyCord brings technical expertise and cutting edge equipment in a state-of-the-art facility comparable to the best in the world under one roof. Care has been taken for uninterrupted, twenty-four hour power supply ensuring that the quality of cells is not compromised during processing or banking. One of the unique features of our facility is utilization of the vapour phase of liquid nitrogen to store cord blood and cord tissue stem cells in liquid nitrogen tanks that are placed in a standardized clean room environment to prevent any kind of contamination. The quality control laboratory and the stem cell processing areas follow strict international guidelines of GMP, GTP and GLP. #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank STEM CELL POOL BANKING IN DELHI #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank Securing Future : Cord Blood Banking Companies In India #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank Cord Blood Banking Market In India #PoolbankinginIndia #BestpoolbankinginGurgaon #Toppoolbank STEM CELL POOL BANKING SERVICE IN GURUGRAM ThanK You
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