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Suryanamaskar and Its Benefits PowerPoint Presentation

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Suryanamaskar and Its Benefits Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - SURYANAMASKAR Surya Namaskar, also known as 'The Ultimate Asana', strengthens your back as well as your muscles and brings down blood sugar levels. It also improves metabolism and blood circulation (hence, a glowing skin)  Surya Namaskar is a sequence of 12 yoga poses that flow one into the other with controlled and rhythmic breathing.  There is one thing that we want to tell you, Surya Namaskar is a set of 7 Asana and rest of 5 Asana are repetition pose (first 7 steps + five repetition steps = 12 steps).
Slide 2 - Step 1: Prayer pose - Pranamasana Execution: Stand at the end of your mat, keep your feet together and distribute your weight on both feet equally. Open your chest and just relax your shoulders. Breathe in and lift both your arms up from the sides. Exhale and bring your palms together in a prayer position in front of your chest. Yoga Stretch Deepening Tip: Activate your feet and stand as if they are tripods. Activate your legs and keep your spine erect.
Slide 3 - Step 2: Raised arms pose Hastauttanasana Execution: Breath in and lift your arms up and back. Make sure that your biceps are close to your ears. Make effort to stretch your whole body starting from the heels up to the finger tips. Yoga Stretch Deepening Tip: Push the pelvis forward just a little bit. Instead of bending backwards, reach up with fingers.
Slide 4 - Step 3: Hand to foot pose - Hasta Padasana Execution: Breathing out and bend forward from your waist while keeping your spine straight. Exhale and completely bring your hands down to the floor beside your feet. Yoga Stretch Deepening Tip: Bend your knees to bring your palms down to the floor. Make a moderate effort to straighten your knees. Keep your hands motionless in this position. Never move them until you compete this third sequence.
Slide 5 - Step 4: Equestrian pose - Ashwa Sanchalanasana Execution: Breath in and push your right leg as far back as possible. Bring your right knee to the floor and slowly look up. Yoga Stretch Deepening Tip: Check if your left foot is exactly in between the palms.
Slide 6 - Step 5: Stick pose - Dandasana Execution: Breath in and take your left leg back Bring your whole body in a straight line. Yoga Stretch Deepening Tip: Keep your arms erect to the floor.
Slide 7 - Step 6: Salute with eight parts or points - Ashtanga Namaskara Execution: Gradually bring your knees down to the floor then exhale. Slightly take your hips back and slide forward. Relax your chest and chin on the ground. Elevate your posterior a little bit. Yoga Stretch Deepening Tip: The eight parts of your body including two hands, two feet, two knees, chest and chin should touch the ground.
Slide 8 - Step 7: Cobra pose - Bhujangasana Execution: Slide forward and raise your chest up into the Cobra pose. Keep your elbows bent and fixed in this pose. Keep your shoulders away from your ears. Slowly look up. Yoga Stretch Deepening Tip: Inhale and make a moderate effort to push your chest forward. Exhale and make a light effort to push your navel down. Tuck your toes under. Make sure that you are stretching just as much as you can and do not go beyond the limits of your body.
Slide 9 - Step 8: Mountain pose - Parvatasana Execution: Breath out and lift your hips as well as your tail bone up. Put your chest downwards to create an inverted V pose. Yoga Stretch Deepening Tip: Keep your heels on the ground as possible. Make a moderate effort to lift your tailbone up. Gradually go deeper into the stretch.
Slide 10 - Step 9: Equestrian pose - Ashwa Sanchalanasana Execution: Breath in and bring your right foot forward in between the two hands. Bring your left knee down to the ground. Press your hips down then look up. Yoga Stretch Deepening Tip: Place your right foot exactly between the two hands. Make sure that your right calf is perpendicular to the ground. You only need moderate effort in order to push your hips down towards the floor and deepen the yoga stretch.
Slide 11 - Step 10: Hand to foot pose - Hasta Padasana Execution: Breath out and bring your left foot forward. Keep your palms on the ground. You can bend your knees, if you feel some discomfort. Yoga Stretch Deepening Tip: Gently straighten your knees and if you can, try and touch your nose to the knees. Keep on breathing.
Slide 12 - Step 11: Raised Arms Pose - Hastauttanasana Execution: Breath in and roll your spine up, Make your hands go up and bend backwards a little bit Push your hips slightly outward. Yoga Stretch Deepening Tip: Make sure that your biceps are beside your ears. Aim to stretch up more instead of stretching backwards.
Slide 13 - Step 12: Standing Mountain pose - Tadasana Execution: Exhale and first straighten your body. Bring your arms down. Yoga Stretch Deepening Tip: Relax in this yoga pose. Observe the sensations that the Sun salutations bring in your body.
Slide 14 - QUESTIONS 1. How many steps are there in suryanamaskar ? 2. How to perform mountain pose ? 3. What is the name of step 5 ? 4. Perform all 12 steps of suryanamaskar ? 5. How many rounds of suryanamaskar you can perform in 1 minute ? 6. How to do step no. 6 ?