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Digital India 2020 PowerPoint Presentation

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Digital India 2020 Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - For an e-Governed Nation Digital India 2020
Slide 2 - Developed Country by 2020 Our President’s vision
Slide 3 - A programme to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy
Slide 4 - What is Digital India? Digital India is a Programme to prepare India for a knowledge future. The focus is on being transformative – to realize IT + IT = IT The focus is on making technology central to enabling change. It is an Umbrella Programme – covering many departments. It weaves together a large number of ideas and thoughts into a single, comprehensive vision so that each of them is seen as part of a larger goal. Each individual element stands on its own. But is also part of the larger picture. It is coordinated by DeitY, implemented by the entire government. The weaving together makes the Mission transformative in totality The Programme: Pulls together many existing schemes. These schemes will be restructured and re-focused. They will be implemented in a synchronized manner. Many elements are only process improvements with minimal cost. The common branding of programmes as Digital India highlights their transformative impact.
Slide 5 - Vision of Digital India Centered on 3 Key Areas Digital Infrastructure as a Utility to Every Citizen Governance & Services on Demand Digital Empowerment of Citizens
Slide 6 - Nine Pillars of Digital India
Slide 7 - Pillar 1. Broadband Highways 1yr: 50,000 GP 2yr: 100,000 GP 3yr: 100,000 GP Changes in Rules to facilitate. Integration of SWAN, NKN, NOFN. To be implemented in 2 years
Slide 8 - Pillar 2. Universal Access to Mobile connectivity Ongoing Programme Increased network penetration & coverage of gaps
Slide 9 - Pillar 3. Public Internet Access Programme – National Rural Internet Mission Ongoing Programme Reach of Govt. services to all GPs This should be long term vision for POs
Slide 10 - Pillar 4. e-Governance: Reforming Government through Technology Government Business Process Re-engineering using IT to improve transactions Form Simplification, reduction Online applications and tracking, Interface between departments Use of online repositories e.g. school certificates, voter ID cards, etc. Integration of services and platforms – UIDAI, Payment Gateway, Mobile Platform, EDI Electronic Databases – all databases and information to be electronic, not manual Workflow automation inside government Public Grievance Redressal - using IT to automate, respond, analyse data to identify and resolve persistent problems – largely process improvements To be implemented across government - critical for transformation.
Slide 11 - Pillar 5. eKranti - Electronic Delivery of Services Ongoing Programme (NeGP) – will be revamped to cover these elements Technology for Education – e-Education All Schools connected with broadband Free wifi in all schools (250,000) Digital Literacy program MOOCs – develop pilot Massive Online Open Courses Technology for Health – e-Healthcare Online medical consultation Online medical records Online medicine supply Pan-India exchange for patient information Pilots – 2015; Full coverage in 3 years Technology for Planning GIS based decision making National GIS Mission Mode Project Technology for Farmers Real time price information Online ordering of inputs Online cash, loan, relief payment with mobile banking Technology for Security Mobile Emergency Services Technology for Financial Inclusion Mobile Banking Micro-ATM program CSCs/ Post Offices Technology for Justice e-Courts, e-Police, e-Jails, e-Prosecution Technology for Security National Cyber Security Co-ordination Center
Slide 12 - Pillar 6. Information for All Online Hosting of Information & documents Citizens have open, easy access to information Open data platform Government pro-actively engages through social media and web based platforms to inform citizens MyGov.in 2-way communication between citizens and government Online messaging to citizens on special occasions/programs Largely utilise existing infrastructure – limited additional resources needed
Slide 13 - Pillar 7. Electronics Manufacturing Target NET ZERO IMPORTS by 2020 Target NET ZERO Imports is a striking demonstration of intent Ambitious goal which requires coordinated action on many fronts Taxation, Incentives Economies of Scale, Eliminate cost disadvantages Focused areas – Big Ticket Items FABS, Fab-less design, Set top boxes, VSATs, Mobiles, Consumer & Medical Electronics, Smart Energy meters, Smart cards, micro-ATMs Incubators, clusters Skill development Government procurement There are many ongoing programs which will be fine-tuned. Existing Structures inadequate to handle this goal. Need strengthening.
Slide 14 - Pillar 8. IT for Jobs New Scheme IT ready workforce ICT enabled growth in NE Telecom ready workforce Ongoing Skilled VLEs and Viable CSCs
Slide 15 - Pillar 9. Early Harvest Programmes Targeted Mass messaging since July 14 1st e-Greeting from PM on 15th Aug 2014 To be completed by Oct 2014
Slide 16 - Pillar 9. Early Harvest Programmes Approval - Oct 2014 Implementation done by Dec 2015 Email to be primary mode of communication To be ready by October 2014
Slide 17 - India can’t be a Developed Country if It is not e-Governed
Slide 18 - Why? Why?
Slide 19 - Large Population Wide Spread Corruption Reasons . Slow & lethargic burocracy . Long Decision time
Slide 20 - Can we be e-Governed nation?
Slide 21 - Yes
Slide 22 - Our Past Successes Bhoomi Railway Reservation System Banks E-Seva
Slide 23 - Bhoomi
Slide 24 - Railways
Slide 25 - Banks
Slide 26 - Components of success?
Slide 27 - Key factors – Infrastructure Electricity in all Indian villages Connectivity up to last mile E-literacy up to village level
Slide 28 - Key factors – Change Management Large scale training Stirring of expectations Motivation Amendments in Laws/Acts to make them e-friendly
Slide 29 - Key factors – Business Process reengineering Viable business model for kiosks Use of innovative technologies New services to kiosks Allow private services also from kiosks
Slide 30 - Key Milestones Large scale training Stirring of expectations Motivation Amendments in Laws/Acts to make them e-friendly
Slide 31 - Lessons Learnt No subsidies and loans First increase the no.of services delivered through kiosks and then increase their reach in rural areas Kiosks must be self-sustainable and profit driven A combination of govt. and private services to be delivered through kiosks to ensure sustainability Better copy than reinvent the wheel Seeing is believing Team spirit (giving credit/appreciation/freedom) Best is the enemy of good Failure is the pillar of success Socializing helps No subsidies Strategy (calculated moves) Use of media and politicians No need to be a technocrat
Slide 32 - THANK YOU …… Made by : SUYASH JAIN Class : XII ‘ A ’ Submitted to : TARANJEET SIR