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What Are The Top Google Ranking Factors? PowerPoint Presentation

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What Are The Top Google Ranking Factors? Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - What Are the Most Important Google Ranking Factors?
Slide 2 - Keeping up with the latest SEO criteria might be challenging because it changes frequently. However, the Google search engine focuses on these ranking factors to present the best results to users. SEO factors help you rank well, so you can generate more leads and sales because users can find you on the first page. While searching for answers online, users turn to Google, and they do not go past the first page. Therefore, businesses search for the best SEO service in Brampton to rank n the first page.
Slide 3 - ppt slide no 3 content not found
Slide 4 - Here are some of the ranking factors to infuse into your website. Content Quality: Comprehensive content ranks well and attracts more users. It adds actual value to the user experience and includes engaging visuals to complement a well-written piece. Besides, high-ranking content matches the user’s search intent and has keywords relevant to search queries. Create unique, fresh, and informative content to rank on top search engine result pages. Page Experience: As we’ve seen with the latest modifications to Page Experience, user experience (UX) impacts SEO. Low-quality content and website style triggers 38% of consumers to abandon it. When you create a user experience that works well with your SEO, you rank well in the SERPs. Also, focus on improving the site architecture and ad experience for better performance.
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Slide 6 - Page Loading Speed: Since 2010, Google has considered page speed as an important ranking factor. Search engine ranking may suffer as a result of a slow-loading website. The longer it takes for your site to load, the more visitors and revenue you will lose. Fast loading pages result in a better overall website experience, making it an important ranking factor for mobile devices. You can check your site’s page speed using Google’s PageSpeed Insights. HTTPS: HTTPS enhances visitor security by encrypting data between the browser and the server. In 2014, Google released HTTPS as a very light signal 2014, affecting less than 1% of worldwide requests. Increasing its commitment to HTTPS, Google Chrome now displays a “Not secure” warning when visiting an unencrypted page. If you have non-secure pages, you may receive a warning email from Google Search Console. Additionally, you will witness a downfall in your daily site visitors because users do not visit non-secure pages.
Slide 7 - Conclusion: Google ranking is about creating content that users are looking for, providing an overall better experience, and proving to Google that it is the most relevant result for the query. The Google search algorithm checks ranking factors that promote high-quality content and a positive user experience. Understanding the ranking factors can help you devise a targeted strategy for any internet marketing campaign. When all ranking factors flow together to assist SEO marketers, the outcomes are flawless.
Slide 8 - Create a more comprehensive, sophisticated SEO strategy for better website performance. Moreover, focus on creating user-centric content to influence rankings. If you are a beginner or someone not receiving the results, connect with a leading company for an engaging website design in Brampton because an appealing web design attracts visitors for leads and conversions.
Slide 9 - Thanks! Do you have any questions?info@marketingblitz.ca905-216-7571https://marketingblitz.ca Source: https://krafitis.com/what-are-the-most-important-google-ranking-factors/