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Lecture on Green Building Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Lecture on GREEN BUILDINGS lecturer : Ruqayah Hayder Building and Construction Engineering Department Constructional Technology
Slide 2 - Green buildings The number of buildings (residential and commercial) is on the steep rise This shows the high-rate increase in urban population and the demand and need for buildings, especially the residential buildings Thus, the residential buildings have become one of the primary sources of CO2 emissions. The buildings are accountable for more than 40 percent of global energy consumption and an almost equal amount of CO2 emissions
Slide 3 - Green buildings Coming after the industrial sector and transportation, which account for 30% and 29% of total energy consumption respectively. The inefficiency of today’s building plans and constructions, in terms of optimized use of resources and recycling, has posted a great environmental and societal challenge. in the U.S., around 170,000 commercial buildings are built every year, while 44,000 are demolished. This vast amount of waste materials put pressure on the overall ecology and the environment of the urban structure.
Slide 4 - Green buildings The absence of sustainable urban planning sets a big threat to the city’s natural resources like water, energy, and clean air The traditional building construction concepts have a significant negative impact on the global environment due to: huge emission of greenhouse gas huge amount of water uses and wastewater using non-sustainable construction materials
Slide 5 - Green buildings To have green and sustainable cities, we need to make buildings green and sustainable Green building: means to apply green technologies to a building throughout its life cycle, i.e., from construction to operation to demolition so that the negative environmental impact of buildings can be minimized as far as possible The key factors in sustainable buildings: A planned and strategic approach in designing buildings. Selecting building materials. The use of modern, efficient construction technologies. Minimizing the energy consumption of buildings. Reducing CO2 emissions
Slide 6 - Green buildings Several existing solutions to make the buildings green energy-efficient windows proper insulation heat/cold regulators Ventilation systems efficient pumps smart meters intelligent management systems a sensible choice of building materials If properly implemented, can reduce energy consumption by 50 percent
Slide 7 - Materials Used in Green Building Materials used for green building are generally obtained from natural and renewable sources, keeping in mind some important factors like durability, energy, cost in transportation, waste minimization, etc.
Slide 8 - Some recycled products which are being used in green building construction
Slide 9 - Energy Systems
Slide 10 - Passive Solar Design: is the heating, cooling and lighting the homes without the intervention of any kind of electrical or mechanical devices.
Slide 11 - How Can a Building Be Made Green? Energy Savings Use of electrical appliances with energy star rating Using modern technologies like occupancy sensors, dimmers, and daylight controllers.
Slide 12 - How Can a Building Be Made Green? 2. Rain Water Harvesting
Slide 13 - How Can a Building Be Made Green? 2. Rain Water Harvesting
Slide 14 - How Can a Building Be Made Green? 3. Wall Gardening
Slide 15 - ppt slide no 15 content not found
Slide 16 - How Can a Building Be Made Green? 4. Rooftop Agriculture
Slide 17 - How Can a Building Be Made Green? 5. Using Renewable Energy
Slide 18 - How Can a Building Be Made Green? 5. Using Renewable Energy Solar Energy Geothermal Power Wind Energy
Slide 19 - Benefits of Green Building Low Maintenance and Operation Cost Coherent Usage of Energy Escalate the Indoor Environment Quality Water Efficiency Material Efficiency Healthy Environment Health Benefits
Slide 20 - Green buildings
Slide 21 - Green buildings
Slide 22 - Major Challenges in Green Building Adoption Lack of Awareness Improper Government Policies and Procedures Lack of Incentives to Encourage Adoption Lack of Expensive Equipment and Products Lack of Skilled Manpower
Slide 23 - Reference https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333784260_Green_Smart_Building_Requisites_Architecture_Challenges_and_Use_Cases https://www.architectureanddesign.com.au/features/list/five-examples-of-vertical-gardens-including-a-prev https://www.homedit.com/20-spectacular-houses-featuring-green-roofs/ https://worldfinancialreview.com/mega-wind-and-solar-clean-energy-bases-a-stepping-stone-to-chinas-double-carbon-pledge/