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History of the Internet PowerPoint Presentation

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History of the Internet Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - History of the INTERNET
Slide 2 - Agenda What is internet? Network Internet History Domain Name The World Wide Web Mosaic Browser wars Internet Growth Video Conclusion
Slide 3 - What is internet ? A worldwide system of interconnected networks and computers. Short form of internetworking
Slide 4 - What is network? A computer network is an interconnection of a group of computers
Slide 5 - Internet History
Slide 6 - On October 4 ,1957 the Soviet Union launched the first satellite called Sputnik
Slide 7 - This prompted then United States President Dwight Eisenhower to create the Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA). ARPA was tasked with the job to regain the technological lead in the arms race. ARPA formed the Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO) to do research on a Semi Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) program to help protect the US against a space-based nuclear attack. IPTO pushed the benefits of a country-wide communications network .
Slide 8 - 1969 In 1969 ARPA developed a special computer called the Interface Message Processor and the ARPANET was brought to life in early October. The first communications were between a research center at the University of California at Los Angeles and a center at the Stanford Research Institute
Slide 9 - The first program used by ARPANET was the Network Control Program. In 1983 it was replaced by TCP/IP internet protocol which became the most widely used network protocol in the world. In 1990 ARPANET was transferred to NSFNET( National Science Foundations net) which was then connected to the CSNET(Computer Science net) this linked Universities around North America It was then connected to the EUNET(European network) that connected research centers in Europe.
Slide 10 - E-mail Program developed by Ray Tomlinson in 1972 @ symbol was introduced 1973-75% of the traffic was E-mail
Slide 11 - Domain Name In 1984, development of domain name services introduced to people To easily find and identify computers linked to the internet
Slide 12 - 1990 and on Fuelled by the popularity of the web, the use of the Internet exploded after 1990, this forced the US Government to turnover management of the net to independent organizations beginning in 1995. That brings us to the modern day use of the World Wide Web (www.)
Slide 13 - The World Wide Web...... In 1990,Tim Berners-Lee coined the term It saved the internet
Slide 14 - Mosaic Released in 1993 First Internet Web Browser First commercial software with graphical access to the content on the internet Very slow Did not handle loading pictures well
Slide 15 - Browser Wars Netscape was the standard until 1998. it folded and was taken over by AOL. Microsoft internet explorer snagged 96% of the browser market. IE has only recently been challenged by the Mozilla browser and Google chrome.
Slide 16 - The explosion of the Internet 1994-2000,internet exploded during this period. The first commercial website amazon.com. In 1994 the world wide web grew by an astounding 2300%. Amazon saw that online shopping was the wave of the future. The rest is history
Slide 17 - 1996 -Approx. 45 million people using internet 1999 -150 million users 2000-407 million users 2004-between 600-800 million users 2009-more than 1.5 billion users and increasing
Slide 18 - Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbMHY8I_kQ8
Slide 19 - Conclusion The internet has deeply ingrained in our culture and our daily lives as a Source of news, facts and figures Communication tool Banking Shopping An educational and entertainment medium.
Slide 20 - REFERENCES http://www.thetechherald.com/media/images/200810/InternetExplorer_1.jpg http://www.exalogics.com/logo-design/popular-logos.jpg http://kayakdatacom.com/NETWORK.jpg www.uwsp.edu/.../Spacecraft/sputnik1.gif www.wikipedia.org/us www.answers.com http://images.google.ca/images?hl=en&rlz=1T4ADFA_enCA348CA349&um=1&q=email&sa=N&start=54&ndsp=18 http://www.dn-trade.com/img/domain-name-trading.gif http://www.adcet.edu.au/Admin/UploadedFiles/Images/Photos/www%20confusion.jpg http://www.xconomy.com/wordpress/wp-content/images/2008/09/mosaiclogo.jpg http://www.technama.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/browsers-icons.png http://www.balloonplanet.com/shop/thank-you-balloon-bouquets/H.1.page www.livinginternet.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbMHY8I_kQ8&feature=related http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Internet http://www.davesite.com/webstation/net-history.shtml
Slide 21 - ppt slide no 21 content not found
Slide 22 - Questions?
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