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Dealing With Bullying PowerPoint Presentation

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Dealing With Bullying Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Bullying
Slide 2 - What is bullying? Bullying >>> It is an English word and in Georgian it means oppression / contempt. This is an unwanted, aggressive type of behavior that is most often manifested in school-age children. "Bullying" is a social phenomenon, which, as experts claim, is characteristic mainly of an organized group of children, and first of all it is a school. However, it is a misconception that the "leader-excluded" role relationship originates only from school age and does not take place at an earlier age. It is no secret today that the process of socialization of adolescents begins earlier than it was in the previous generation. So role relationships, and even yet unintelligible ones, but also the desire to influence others, manifest themselves at an early, still preschool age.
Slide 3 - "Bullying" is a topical problem all over the world, as well as in Georgia. It is a form of physical and psychological violence that is common among adolescent peers and manifests itself in the oppression and ridicule of one party to the other. The results of bullying can be directly related to self-esteem, and even more so to low self-esteem, which has a very negative effect on a person's development. Harassment / abuse can be verbal (e.g., making negative, derogatory comments, shouting, spreading rumors), or physical (e.g., hitting, throwing things). Oppression is often emotional in nature, aimed at humiliation, threats, extortion, and harassment. Harassment can also be done remotely - by phone call, text message, e-mail, or other electronic means (Cyber ​​Bullying). It is impossible to single out one direction that affects a person more, any kind of oppression can lead to lower self-esteem.
Slide 4 - Unfortunately, bullying victims do not always evoke compassion in the community. The weakness of the child and his oppression in some cases leads to the disgust of those around him and the desire to exclude him. Adolescents may develop a negative attitude towards the victim of school violence on the principle that "he is to blame for everything, because no one can resist.“ The oppressed himself finds himself in a very difficult situation in this case, because he feels absolute hopelessness, helplessness of the situation and complete helplessness, because he experiences an insurmountable fear of the oppressor and the new humiliations that still lie ahead, he feels ashamed of his own helplessness. Often, the adolescent victim even blames himself or herself for this situation, thinking that he or she can do nothing, so what really happened is worth it.
Slide 5 - What makes a child abusive? Among the factors causing violent behavior, the closest are the family theme, the unhealthy social environment of the child (especially peers), the abusive parents or relatives. Violent movies and video games have a much lower workload in this regard, although the fact remains, the cause must still be sought in the complexity of the problem. There is a difference between two things - bullying and harassment, Bullying vs. harassment: Bullying - This is direct violence, a rather unpleasant fact that can even happen in a school district. As for bullying, it occurs when a student experiences bullying because of his or her personal characteristics. That is, the determining factor is the student's gender, origin or incapacity.
Slide 6 - The following circumstances are common in bullying: It is an aggressive kind of behavior that has a repetitive nature; The oppressor has more power than the oppressed (stronger physically, or higher in status); The action of the oppressor is premeditated; The perpetrator does not take responsibility for the behavior committed and often states that the victim "deserved" such treatment. Often a child who is a victim of bullying does not talk about their problems with their parents. However, there may be signs that the child is being bullied and needs support from adults. To identify these signs in a timely manner, the parent should carefully monitor for changes in the child's behavior. Repeated, long-term bullying can cause severe emotional harm to a child and negatively affect his or her self-esteem. The result can be revealed in a very short time or it may take some time. It is also impossible to determine the degree of impact, one type of bullying may affect one person less, and another may have a very large impact. The importance of self-esteem in the process of building a person should be clear to everyone.
Slide 7 - Examples of bullying oppression "11-year-old Nika is in the 5th grade. She is the age when she has a sense of dignity and self-esteem. A person with dignity wants to move to another school. "I have been wearing glasses for five years, I am short-sighted, my friends used to call me Brucian. I no longer wanted to make glasses, but my mother assured me that it was necessary at first. I also wanted to go to school, but two boys in the class encouraged me and told me not to pay attention to them. I'm still in pain. "
Slide 8 - Thank you for your attention !!! Author of the presentation: Ramil Musaev Source of information: Intermedia.com/bullying