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AI in Our Class Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - AI in Our Class Winter 2023
Slide 2 - Agenda Temperature check What is AI and what is a Chatbot? Implications for ChatGPT in our class spaces Considerations for Academic Integrity How are you using ChatGPT already?
Slide 3 - What is AI Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is used to create systems and machines that can perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence, such as learning, problem-solving, and decision-making. ChatGPT is a specific implementation of AI, known as a language model, which is trained to generate human-like text based on a given prompt. This technology can be used for a variety of applications, such as natural language processing, automated writing and content generation, and conversational interfaces for chatbots and virtual assistants. The goal of ChatGPT is to make it easy for developers to add human-like language capabilities to their applications, making the interactions with their systems more natural and intuitive for end-users. By the way, this was written by ChatGPT!
Slide 4 - The Threat Concern: Essays are dead! Students will use ChatGPT to write their papers. Response: They could - but they won’t be very good. Response: Crafting a question - or series of questions - to get a successful essay would require students to already know a great deal about the topic - essentially demonstrating subject matter knowledge. Response: ChatGPT is not perfect - logically or grammatically.
Slide 5 - Addressing this Concern AI Detectors: See a list on the AI in Your Class CTLE page Practice Spotting AI: ChatGPT Infinite Conversation
Slide 6 - Turning it Over to the University Library This concludes my portion today. Now I’ll turn it over to Amy Hall and Sarah Leeman from the University Library to discuss the implications of ChatGPT on Academic Integrity
Slide 7 - TEACHING ACADEMIC HONESTY: A COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY Amy Hall, Associate Professor, University Library Teaching & Learning Librarian Sarah Leeman, Associate Professor, University Library Teaching & Learning Librarian
Slide 8 - RULES VS VALUES “What I’ve found striking over the years is how readily students who engaged in academic misconduct frame their wrongdoing in terms of a rule violation and how rarely it is explored as an ethical transgression, that is, as a violation not only of the values we associate with academic integrity, but of those students themselves associate with ethical conduct” (Sopcak, 2020, para. 2). Sopcak, P. (2020). Restorative practices for academic integrity. https://academicintegrity.org/blog/53-2020/april-2020/149-restorative-practices-for-academic-integrity
Slide 9 - FUNDAMENTAL VALUES OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY The International Center for Academic Integrity. (2021). The fundamental values of academic integrity (3rd ed). https://academicintegrity.org/resources/fundamental-values
Slide 10 - SUPPORTING ACADEMIC HONESTY: A COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY Create a culture of academic integrity that: Focuses on education over policy Conceptualizes academic honesty as a foundational element of the curriculum, not as a separate concept or policy to be reviewed Sets consistent expectations and uses consistent channels of communication for issues of academic integrity Gives students the opportunity to reflect on ideas of intellectual property and ethical conduct and fosters students’ sense of agency and ownership in their work
Slide 11 - MAKE ACADEMIC INTEGRITY PART OF YOUR COURSE CULTURE Include a statement about academic integrity in your syllabus/course site and refer to NLU's student academic honesty policy. Emphasize available supports and educational resources over possible punishments. Discuss integrity and ethical conduct throughout your course, not just in cases of intentional academic dishonesty. Be prepared to discuss the ethical implications of AI tools like ChatGPT. Discuss gray areas in both academic and professional settings. Where possible, make connections between academic integrity and the real-world cases and scenarios you discuss in your course.
Slide 12 - SET CLEAR AND CONSISTENT EXPECTATIONS Clarify what students are and are not allowed to do when completing an assignment. Articulate your policies for using ChatGPT (or other AI tools) and the appropriate ways for students to acknowledge that they have used such a tool. Consider some of the following questions regarding consistency around academic integrity: Do all instructors in your program have the same requirements around academic honesty? How are conversations around academic integrity framed across courses, and who feels responsible for having these? Are students receiving the same level of feedback across courses?
Slide 13 - DESIGN ASSESSMENTS WITH ACADEMIC INTEGRITY IN MIND When possible, break major research papers and projects into stages, with students submitting assignments at a few points along the way. Encourage outlining, drafting, and source tracking as much as possible. Ask students to document their thinking (which may be done via audio/video rather than writing) Incorporate alternatives to traditional assessments. Authentic, real-world assessments make cheating less worthwhile; they improve student engagement and encourage greater agency and ownership over students' work. Ask students to show their own writing voice, make connections to specific course concepts, reference personal expertise or opinions, or incorporate examples and ideas that go beyond a general understanding of the topic
Slide 15 - Leaning in to AI Use chatbots as activities in your classes Chatbots can provide the structure so that student can focus on content Calculators didn’t ruin Math, chatbots won’t ruin writing Text generators might help students learn about different writing genres and forms and force serious writers to become stylists. In other words, AI text generators will establish a new baseline for student essays.1 1Mintz, S. (2023, January 16). Chatgpt: Threat or menace?: Inside higher ed. Higher Ed Gamma. Retrieved February 24, 2023, from https://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/higher-ed-gamma/chatgpt-threat-or-menace?utm_source=Inside%2BHigher%2BEd&utm_campaign=1691bbea9b-DNU_2021_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_1fcbc04421-1691bbea9b-199976085&mc_cid=1691bbea9b&mc_eid=a71409da69
Slide 16 - LEANING INTO AI (PART 2) Any specific examples of how you have leaned into AI thus far?