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Yoga Meditation PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional Yoga Meditation powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on Yoga Meditation in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

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Yoga Meditation Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Yoga
Slide 2 - What is Yoga Yoga is a word from the ancient Sanskrit language that means Union, the attainment and merger of the individual human consciousness with the cosmic consciousness. The word Yoga is also used to describe the different Yogic Techniques employed, the different disciplines that are used to facilitate the awareness and experience of Body, Mind and Spirit integration.
Slide 3 - Yoga has for thousands of years had a holistic understanding of the Human being, its subtle physiology and the connection between mind and body. The vast philosophies and disciplines of Yoga have remained essentially the same for thousands of years.
Slide 4 - Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga (eight fold Yoga) , also known as Ashtanga Yoga, is a style of yoga codified. Yama Niyama Asana Pranayama Pratyahara Dharana Dhyana Samadhi
Slide 5 - Yama (Universal Morality) The intention behind YAMA YOGA is to embrace the joy of life, laughter and love with the ethical practices of YAMA (the attitude we have towards things and people).  Ahimsa (Compassion for all living things) Asteya (Non-stealing) Satya (Commitment to Truthfulness) Aparigraha (Neutralizing the desire to acquire and hoard wealth  Brahmacharya (Sense control )
Slide 6 - Niyama (Personal Observances) Niyama means "rules" or "laws." These are the rules prescribed for personal observance. Compared with the yamas, the niyamas are more intimate and personal. Saucha (Purity) Santosha (Contentment ) Tapas (Disciplined use of our energy) Swadhyaya (Self study) Ishwarapranidhana (Celebration of the Spiritual)
Slide 7 - Asana (Body postures) Asana is the practice of physical postures. On a deeper level the practice of asana, which means "staying" or "abiding" in Sanskrit, is used as a tool to calm the mind and move into the inner essence of being. The challenge of poses offers the practitioner the opportunity to explore and control all aspects of their emotions, concentration, intent, faith, and unity between the physical and the ethereal body.
Slide 8 - Asanas
Slide 9 - Pranayama (Breath Control ) Pranayama is the measuring, control, and directing of the breath. Pranayama controls the energy (prana) within the organism, in order to restore and maintain health and to promote evolution.
Slide 10 - Pratyahara (Control of the Senses) Pratyahara means drawing back or retreat. In pratyahara we sever this link between mind and senses, and the senses withdraw. When the senses are no longer tied to external sources, the result is restraint or pratyahara.
Slide 11 - Dharana (Concentration and cultivating inner perceptual awareness) Dharana means "immovable concentration of the mind". The essential idea is to hold the concentration or focus of attention in one direction. The objective in dharana is to steady the mind by focusing its attention upon some stable entity.
Slide 12 - Dhyana (Devotion , Meditation on the Divine) Dhyana means worship, or profound and abstract religious meditation. It is perfect contemplation. During dhyana, the consciousness is further unified by combining clear insights into distinctions between objects and between the subtle layers of perception.
Slide 13 - Samadhi (Union with the Divine) Yoga is the attainment of Samadhi. Samadhi means "to bring together, to merge." In the state of samadhi the body and senses are at rest, as if asleep, yet the faculty of mind and reason are alert, as if awake; one goes beyond consciousness.
Slide 14 - Start Yoga