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Tobacco And Diseases PowerPoint Presentation

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Tobacco And Diseases Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Tobacco and its dangers
Slide 2 - Tobacco smoke Tobacco smoke contains about 1000 chemicals, many of them being harmful Smoking kills 12 times the number of people killed in road accidents It contains nicotine which is addictive Tar is a black sticky substance that forms in the moist lungs Tar contains 17 chemicals (carcinogens) that are known to cause cancer Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that stops red blood cells from carrying oxygen around the body
Slide 3 - Heart disease Heart disease is 3 times more common among smokers Smokers have more chance of a heart attack (when the heart stops working)
Slide 4 - Healthy, clean lungs A healthy lung looks like a pink sponge The air sacs give the lungs a large surface area for gas exchange to take place This ensures that enough oxygen gets into the blood and around the body
Slide 5 - Lung cancer Cancers of the lungs, mouth, gullet (oesophagus), and the bladder are caused by chemicals called carcinogens in tobacco smoke 9 out of 10 people who die from lung cancer are smokers
Slide 6 - Emphysema Emphysema is a lung disease caused by tar. Lung tissue is destroyed and large holes develop which blow up like balloons. Breathing becomes very difficult.
Slide 7 - Bronchitis This lung disease is usually found in smokers The air passages (bronchi) to the lungs become irritated by smoke These air passages become swollen and sore There are tiny hairs called cilia which keep these air passages clear Smoking damages these cilia and stops them working The lungs fill up with mucus which the smoker now has to try and physically cough up!
Slide 8 - Other problems caused by smoking: Tobacco smoke is often very unpleasant for other people It makes your breath, hair, clothes and house smell It can irritate those who suffer with hayfever or asthma Passive smokers can also develop lung damage Pregnant mothers who smoke can have smaller babies than non-smokers. The babies also have an increased risk of getting asthma It is thought that smoking in a house may contribute to causing cot deaths
Slide 9 - This powerpoint was kindly donated to www.worldofteaching.com http://www.worldofteaching.com is home to over a thousand powerpoints submitted by teachers. This is a completely free site and requires no registration. Please visit and I hope it will help in your teaching.