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Kingdom Protista PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional Kingdom Protista powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on Kingdom Protista in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

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Kingdom Protista Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Kingdom Protista “The Catch-All Kingdom” Protozoans
Slide 2 - Characteristics Single celled Microscopic Move independently – named for mechanism of movement 65,000 species Most heterotrophic Free-living or parasitic All capable of asexual reproduction through binary or multiple fission Some reproduce sexually through conjugation
Slide 3 - Sexual reproduction
Slide 4 - Asexual reproduction Binary fission
Slide 5 - Schizogony Asexual reproduction in multiple fission, as in Malaria
Slide 6 - Classification Currently based on HOW they MOVE Reviewing this by looking at phylogeny
Slide 7 - 4 Phyla of Protozoans Sarcodina Ciliophora Zoomastigina Sporozoa
Slide 8 - Adaptations Physiological mechanisms, like eyespots Form cysts Multiple nuclei
Slide 9 - Evolution of Protista Prokaryotes – 3.5 billion years ago Eukaryotes – 1.5 billion years ago Protozoan thought to be descendents of first eukaryotes Endosymbiotic Theory
Slide 10 - Endosymbiotic Theory
Slide 11 - Phylums…
Slide 12 - Sarcodina 40,000 species Amoebas Pseudopodia – most move Cytoplasmic streaming Eat other protists Ecological roles: forams – tests made from caco3 – sink to bottom and make limestone and chalk deposits Radiolaria – t4ests made form sio2 Cause diseases like amebic dysentary
Slide 13 - ppt slide no 13 content not found
Slide 14 - Phylum Ciliophora 8,000 species Move using cilia Pellicle, oral groove, gullet, macronucleus, micronucleus Paramecium
Slide 15 - ppt slide no 15 content not found
Slide 16 - Phylum Zoomastigina 2,500 species Move using flagella Most free-living Cause disease – zooflagellates African trypanosomiasis – sleeping sickness – tsetse fly Chagas Disease – kissing bug Leishmaniasis – sand fly giardiasis
Slide 17 - The tsetse fly – sleeping sickness vector
Slide 18 - The Kissing Bug
Slide 19 - Leishmaniasis
Slide 20 - Phylum Sporozoa 6,000 species Carried in blood Cause disease like toxoplasmosis and malaria Know malaria cycle!!!!
Slide 21 - ppt slide no 21 content not found
Slide 22 - The end for now….
Slide 23 - This powerpoint was kindly donated to www.worldofteaching.com http://www.worldofteaching.com is home to over a thousand powerpoints submitted by teachers. This is a completely free site and requires no registration. Please visit and I hope it will help in your teaching.