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Growing Plants Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Topic 2The World of Plants Standard Grade Biology
Slide 2 - World of Plants is divided into: A- Introducing plants B- Growing plants (Pollination, Fertilisation, Asexual reproduction) C- Making food
Slide 3 - The life cycle of a plant There are 7 stages in the life cycle of a plant. seed / fruit Formation seed dispersal germination flower formation pollination fertilisation development
Slide 4 - Seed Structure Parts are: Seed coat Forms a tough protective layer Food store Provides the embryo plant with food. Embryo shoot Embryo root Embryo – grows into plant
Slide 5 - Seed Dissection Using a scalpel, carefully dissect your seed in half lengthways. Draw a diagram of what you can see. Identify the parts, and label your drawing (workbook p13).
Slide 6 - Seeds
Slide 7 - Investigation: Germination This is an Exam Board Investigation that makes up part of your Practical Abilities grade (20% of finals) Planning may be done in small groups but after this you must work on your own Write in your Investigation booklet.
Slide 8 - What affects germination? 3Bio2 Brainstorm 16/03/07 Spacing / number of seeds Humidity / water volume Type of seeds Size of seeds Type of soil / mass Temperature Depth of planting Gases / oxygen levels Measure by % germination after set time
Slide 9 - Germination and Temperature Example of results table. Also draw a graph. What conclusions can you draw from your experiment? How could you have improved it?
Slide 10 - Germination conditions Seeds need certain conditions to germinate: Water to activate enzymes which digest stored food Oxygen Needed for the production of energy for germination Warmth Needed for the enzymes to work effectively. Germination is the development of a new plant from the embryo in a seed.
Slide 11 - Germination and Temperature The best temperature for germination of a species of plant is known as the optimum temperature. The optimum temperature is normally between 15oC and 30oC.
Slide 12 - Structure of a Flower
Slide 13 - Petal Stigma Anther
Slide 14 - Petals Stigma Anther Filament Ovary Sepals Ovules Nectaries Style Collect a cut-out flower, colour it in and put it together. Carpelfemale parts Stamen male parts
Slide 15 - What do the parts do? Sepals- protect the flower when it is a bud Petals- colourful to attract the insects Nectaries- give out sugary liquid to attract insects Stamen- anther produces male sex cells (pollen) Carpel- stigma traps pollen Style is where pollen tube grows down to female sex cells. Carpel- ovary produces female sex cells (ovules)
Slide 16 - Quick Test Why is the seed coat important? Name the parts of the embryo plant. Why is the food store in a seed important? Name the three factors required for germination. Where are a plant’s sex organs found? Name two parts of a flower that attract insects. Name the male part of a flower. Which part of the flower contains ovules? Which part of the flower produces pollen? Which part of a flower catches pollen grains?
Slide 17 - Pollination Pollination involves the transfer of pollen (male gamete) from the anther to the stigma (outermost female part) If it is in the same flower it is called self-pollination. If between different flowers it is called cross-pollination Plants are pollinated by insects or the wind.
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Slide 19 - Insect Pollinated Plants
Slide 20 - Wind Pollinated Plants
Slide 21 - Pollination Activity Look at the Botanics Posters Which features are from wind pollinated or insect pollinated plants? Workbook p28 Construct a table to show the differences between insect and wind pollinated plants.
Slide 22 - Pollination Summary dull light dangling feathery none bright colour sticky inside flower sticky makes sugar
Slide 23 - Hayfever World of plants workbook G – pages 34 &35 C- pages 36 & 37 Answer Q 1 – 5 on hayfever and Answer Q 1 – 5 on pollen in the air from Feb - Sept
Slide 24 - Fertilisation Fertilisation involves the fusion of the nucleus of the male gamete (in the pollen) with the nucleus of the female gamete (in the ovules).
Slide 25 - Fertilisation
Slide 26 - Pollen tubes The pollen grain grows a tube. The tube reaches an ovule. The gamete nuclei fuse (fertilisation) and a zygote (seed) forms.
Slide 27 - Pollen tube growth
Slide 28 - Fertilisation Once fertilisation has taken place the zygote (fertilised ovule)becomes a seed, and the ovary becomes a fruit. The petals die and fall off. The plant seeds are in the fruit.
Slide 29 - What are fruits like? The fruits can be: - soft & fleshy - hard & dry What fruits can you think of? What are their seeds like? Draw a table with headings for each type and write some examples for them.
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Slide 31 - Seeds must be carried away (dispersed / scattered) from the parent plant to: Reduce overcrowding Seed Dispersal- why? Reduce competition for: - Water - Light - Nutrients
Slide 32 - Seed Dispersal
Slide 33 - Seed Dispersal
Slide 34 - Seed Dispersal
Slide 35 - Activity Cut out the seeds, match and stick them into appropriate columns in a table, for: Wind Animal (external) Animal (internal) [There is also mechanical (eg broom, sea cucumber) and water (eg coconut) but you don’t need to know them for Standard grade]
Slide 36 - Activity Listening exercise on seed dispersal Listen to the tape, Use the commentary to help you answer questions on your handout. World of Plants Workbook p41 Comparing Lime and Sycamore seeds. Go through the problem solving activity
Slide 37 - Quick Test-A What term is used to describe male and female gametes? What is pollination? Name the two types of pollination. Describe the differences in the pollen between insect and wind pollinated plants. Explain why the stigmas of wind pollinated flowers hang outside the flowers.
Slide 38 - Quick test-B Why do wind pollinated flowers not produce nectar? How does the male gamete reach the female gamete? What is a fruit? Name three ways in which fruits and seeds are dispersed. Why is it important that fruits and seeds are carried away from the parent plant?
Slide 39 - Types of reproduction Sexual reproduction Involves 2 parents and sex cells ie. pollen and ovule join to make a new individual. Asexual reproduction Involves 1 parent and no sex cells. Ways they naturally reproduce include: - Tubers - ( Bulbs ) - Runners
Slide 40 - Tubers Tubers are underground food stores which stores food over the winter and provides a new plant with food until it can make its own. Food made by the new plant is sent to make new tubers. Thereby reproducing itself. Examples: potato, artichoke, yam, cassava, water chestnut, arrowroot Taro- Japanese potato
Slide 41 - arrowroot = arrow root = Chinese potato (this name also is used for jicama) = goo = seegoo = arrowhead = Chinese arrowhead = tse goo = ci gu = tsu goo Arrowroot Notes:   The name arrowroot is more commonly associated with a thickener that's made from the plant. A fresh arrowroot tuber looks like a small onion, only without the layers. It should be peeled, and then it can be boiled or stir-fried. Look for it in Chinese markets during the winter.
Slide 42 - Cassava cassava = casava = manioc = mandioca = tapioca root = yucca = yucca root = yuca root = Brazilian arrowroot   Pronunciation:   kuh-SAH-vuh Notes:   People in Hispanic countries use cassavas much like Americans use potatoes.  There's both a sweet and a bitter variety of cassava. The sweet one can be eaten raw, but the bitter one requires cooking to destroy the harmful prussic acid it contains.
Slide 43 - tapioca root Topinambour Notes:  Water chestnuts are delightfully sweet and crisp- if you buy them fresh. You need to peel off their brown jackets and simmer them for five minutes before stir-frying. Tinned Water chestnuts are easily available but not nearly as good. If you use them, blanch them first in boiling water for thirty seconds.  Topinambour Water chestnut Chinese water chestnut
Slide 44 - Bulbs Bulbs are also underground food stores which work in the same way as tubers. The difference is that bulbs have thick fleshy ‘leaves’. Keukenhof gardens near Amsterdam Holland.
Slide 45 - Examples: snowdrop, crocus, daffodil, iris, lily, hyacinths, amaryllis, onion, garlic.
Slide 46 - 1. Sept.- Oct. Planting TimeThe tulip bulbs are going to be planted twice as deep as the bulb is high. They have no roots at this stage. 2. November Making RootsThe roots start growing out of the base, establish themselves taking nutrients from the soil. Mother bulbs get ready for winter. 3. Dec. - Jan.Cooling PeriodRest period. In order for bulbs to bloom in the spring they need weeks of at least 5oC. Frost at this time doesn’t harm them. 4. Feb. – March Growing PeriodThe bulbs begin to change as the starch, or carbohydrates in them turns to sugar. As this occurs, the leaves and flower gradually push up-wards out of the bulb. 5. April – May Blooming TimeThe tulips are in bloom-they receive their nourishment from the roots-only the brown skin of the bulb remains as all of the energy has gone to the bloom. 6. May – June RegenerationAfter flowering the blooms are cut and the leaves are left on the plant. The new daughter-bulbs use the food in the leaves to grow. 7. July - Sept. MultiplyingUp to five small bulbs can be expected to grow out of the mother bulb. They form their roots slowly, and develop their blooms and leaves within the bulb, for next year's plant.
Slide 47 - Runners Runners are side shoots which grow out from the parent plant. Buds form at points along the runner and eventually these buds form roots and grow into new plants. Examples: spider plant (Anthericum), strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa)
Slide 48 - Flame violet (Episcia reptans) Collect Information Card “Asexual Reproduction” Take short notes from it.
Slide 49 - Activity World of plants workbook Read p20 “Advantages of asexual reproduction” Read p32 & 33. Copy and complete the table. Summarising advantages & disadvantages of sexual versus asexual reproduction
Slide 50 - Reproduction- advantages
Slide 51 - Clones A clone is the name given to the genetically identical plants produced from a single parent plant. They are formed during asexual reproduction only.
Slide 52 - Artificial Propagation People can make use of plants’ ability to reproduce asexually (instead of using seeds) by using methods of artificial propagation such as: - Cuttings - Graftings Again this produces genetically identical offspring (clones).
Slide 53 - Cuttings They can be placed in moist soil or water (and sometimes dipped in rooting powder). Cuttings are small pieces of stem with some leaves attached, the new plant grows from this.
Slide 54 - Grafting A cut stem of one plant (with good flower or fruit growth) (the graft) is taken and firmly attached to the rootstock of another plant (which has a strong, established root system) (the stock). Examples- roses, fruit trees
Slide 55 - Grafting- advantages Allows you to clone the commercial qualities of a particular fruit variety on another tree. Seed trees have highly variable fruit quality. They come into production much earlier (2-3 years) than trees grown from seed (5-10 years).
Slide 56 - Activity World of Plants Workbook p42 The effect of rooting powder on cuttings Collect some graph paper and work through the problem solving activity
Slide 57 - Activity World of plants workbook p33 “Artificial propagation- commercial advantages” Read page. Collect Information sheet Write short notes on it.
Slide 58 - Commercial aspects Artificial propagation has allowed us to adapt and improve plants for our own use. Some of the benefits include: Quick production of large numbers of genetically identical plants. Specific varieties, desired features or consistent quality can be produced especially in fruit, flowers.
Slide 59 - Quick Test-C How many parents are involved in asexual reproduction? Name 3 ways in which plants reproduce asexually. Give 2 examples of plants that reproduce asexually by producing runners. What term is used to describe a population of genetically identical plants? Name 2 common methods of artificial propagation. Give the commercial advantages of artificial propagation. One Runners, tubers, bulbs Spider plant, strawberry Clones Cuttings, grafting Quick method, producing large numbers of plants, of known quality and specific variety
Slide 60 - This powerpoint was kindly donated to www.worldofteaching.com http://www.worldofteaching.com is home to over a thousand powerpoints submitted by teachers. This is a completely free site and requires no registration. Please visit and I hope it will help in your teaching.