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Puccinia Fungus Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - CLASSIFICATION: Kingdom: Mycota Division: Eumycota Subdivision: Basidiomycotina PUCCINIA
Slide 2 - Class: Teliomycetes Order: Uredinales Family: Pucciniaceae Genus: Puccinia Species : graminis
Slide 3 - INTRODUCTION: The genus includes about 3000 species of these 147 has been reported from India. It causes a rust disease - black stem rust of Wheat.
Slide 4 - Puccinia graminis is an obligate parasite. It is a heterocious parasite. It’s life cycle on Wheat and on Barberry. Wheat is a primary host. Barberry is a secondary or alternate host.
Slide 5 - Spore-producing stages (0, I, II, III, IV) in their life cycles. Puccinia graminis 0 and I on barberry bushes (Berberis vulgaris: dicot) II and III on various grasses (monocot) IV on soil.
Slide 6 - Puccinia- Infected Plant Parts
Slide 7 - Acediospores geminates on Wheat stem or leaf to form binucleate, dikaryotic filamentous well developed, branched, intercellular mycelium. Stages on Wheat
Slide 8 - Dikaryophase Reproduction: On Wheat Puccinia reproduces by (Asexual) sporulation. The spores are of two kinds: (i) Uridiospores (2N) Uridosporangium (ii) Telutospores (2N) Telutosporangium (iii) Basidio spores
Slide 9 - Each cell contains a pair of nuclei (n + n) constituting a dikaryon. To obtain nutrition haplophase phase develop haustoria.
Slide 10 - Uredineal Stage: The hyphae of the dikaryotic mycelium - aggregate near the surface of the infected organ to form a hyphal mass known as Ureida.
Slide 11 - The tip of each hyphae swells to form a single binucleate oval uredospore formed in a group. uredinium or uredosorus. They exert pressure on the epidermis, finally ruptured in form of slits through which rusty coloured Uredospores are seen.
Slide 12 - Puccinia- Rust diseases Uredosporangium
Slide 13 - Puccinia Uredo- sporangium Mycelium Uredospore
Slide 14 - Puccinia Uredo-sporangium-Wheat
Slide 15 - Uredospore are stalked, unicellular oval, binucleate structures, rusty red in colour.
Slide 16 - Telial Stage: Late in growing season, Uredospores are metamorphoses into Telutospores in the same Uredosori. Uredosori is known as Telutosori. Telutospores are dark brown or black in colour.
Slide 17 - Stage III: Telia bearing teliospores (n+n>2n)
Slide 18 - Puccinia Teluto sporangium Telutospores
Slide 19 - Telutospores Dark brown or black in colour. stalked, two celled, spindle shaped. The wall is thick, black and smooth.
Slide 20 - Puccinia teluto spores Each cell has two nuclei (one plus strain and the other of minus strain). final stage on primary host Telutospore matures, the nuclei in each cell fuse to form a diploid nucleus (Kayogamy) (2N).
Slide 21 - Germination of Teluto spore On Soil Favourable condition- Proper Temperature, Moisture Germination of Teluto spore- germination tube - Epibasidium
Slide 22 - Germination of Teliospore Germination tube
Slide 23 - Germinated Teluto spore and formation of Basidium & Basidio spores Epibasidium Basidio spore (+) Or (-) Sterigmata Hypobasidium Basidium
Slide 24 - Basidiospores (+ and -) Basidiospores germinate on upper epidermis of Barberry leaf and produce Pycniosporangium
Slide 25 - Stages of Puccinia on Barberry leaf Pycniospores stage: On upper epidermis with +ve and – ve basidiospores (Sexual reproduction) (Plasmogamy) Aecidiospore stage: On lower epidermis, Binucleate Aecidiospore
Slide 26 - Infection of Puccinia on Barberry leaf Lower and Upper sides
Slide 27 - Puccinia Pycnium on Upper epidermis
Slide 28 - Receptive hyphae and Spermatia Spermatia Receptive hyphae
Slide 29 - Develop-ment of Aecidiosporangium
Slide 30 - Stage I: Aecia bearing aeciospores (n+n)
Slide 31 - Puccinia- Aecio sporangium on lower epidermis aeciospores infect primary host. Aeciospores produced on alternate host (e.g.,Barberry) infect primary host (e.g., grasses)
Slide 32 - Aeciospores- round, yellowish red, Unicellular, binucleate, thick walled, 6 germ pores. Germinate on wheat plant. Aeciospores Aecidiosporangium
Slide 33 - Puccinia- Polymorphic fungi Polymorphism: Various types of spores produced during life cycle according to hosts life cycle and climatic condition. Known as Polymorphism. Fungi shows polymorphism known as Polymorphic fungi.
Slide 34 - Puccinia Life Cycle
Slide 35 - Puccinia life cycle Puccinia Life Cycle
Slide 36 - This powerpoint was kindly donated to www.worldofteaching.com http://www.worldofteaching.com Is home to well over a thousand powerpoints submitted by teachers. This a free site. Please visit and I hope it will help in your teaching