
Water Resource Management Rules | Florida Department of Environmental Protection

Florida Department of Environmental Protection

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Rules established through the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) and implemented Florida Statute(s) (F.S.) for the Division of Water Resource Management's programs.   

[Drinking Water] [Environmental Resource Permitting] [Ground Water] [Mining & Mitigation and Phosphate Management] [Mine Reclamation] [Oil and Gas] [Onsite Sewage] [Siting Coordination] [Sovereign Submerged Lands] [Stormwater] [Wastewater]

Chapter 62-4, F.A.C.

Permits.  Establishes fees and procedures to obtain a permit.      

Chapters 120, F.S., 253, F.S., 258, F.S., 373, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-550, F.A.C.

Drinking Water Standards, Monitoring and Reporting. Adopts Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules, establishes primary and secondary drinking water standards and regulates treatment, monitoring and reporting requirements for public water systems.

Chapter 62-555, F.A.C.

Permitting, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Public Water Systems. Establishes construction, operation and maintenance standards for public water systems as well as treatment and monitoring requirements for water systems which use surface water.

Chapters 367, F.S., 373, F.S., 403, F.S. and 471, F.S.

Chapter 62-560, F.A.C.

Requirements for Public Water Systems that are out of Compliance. Adopts EPA rules on the actions a water system must take when not in compliance with the established standards.

Chapters 120, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-602, F.A.C.

Water or Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators and Distribution System Operators. Establishes requirements for certification of drinking water and domestic wastewater treatment plant operators.

Chapter 62-699, F.A.C.

Treatment Plant Classification and Staffing. Establishes minimum staffing requirements for facilities based on capacity and type of treatment process utilized by the facility.

Chapter 62-4, F.A.C.

Permits. Establishes fees and procedures to obtain a permit.

Chapters 120, F.S., 253, F.S., 258, F.S., 373, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-25, F.A.C.

Regulations of Stormwater Discharge. This rule was repealed on Feb. 8, 2017, but is applicable for grandfathered activities in accordance with sections 373.414 (11, 12a, 13, 14, 15) and section 373.4145(6), F.S.

Chapter 62-113, F.A.C.

Delegations. Includes Operating and Delegation Agreements which have been entered into by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and another state agency, political subdivision or water management district. These agreements are incorporated by reference.

Chapters 110, F.S., 120, F.S., 373, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-302, F.A.C.

Surface Water Quality Standards. Establishes the minimum surface water quality criteria which are necessary to protect the designated uses of a water body, Rule 62-302.530, F.A.C., classifies surface waters of the State, Rule 62-302.400, F.A.C., and prohibits the degradation of water quality in Special Protection, Outstanding Florida Waters (OFWs) and Outstanding National Resource Waters, Rule 62-302.700, F.A.C.

Chapters 373, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-312, F.A.C.

Dredge and Fill Activities. The Oct. 3, 1995, version of rule only applies to activities within OFWs of Monroe County, FL., Rules 62-312.400, 62-312.410, 62-312.420, 62-312.430, 62-312.440, 62-312.450 and 62-312.460, F.A.C. Applies to Environmental Resource Permits (ERP) or grandfathered dredge and fill permit applications which qualify for grandfathering under sections 373.414(15) or 373.414(16), F.S. These rules are to be used with other ERP rules.

Chapters 373, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-330, F.A.C.

Environmental Resource Permitting. Establishes the statewide thresholds, criteria and conditions for the processing and issuance of ERP permits by DEP, Water Management Districts (WMDs) and delegated local programs. Incorporates by reference the necessary forms and other documents, including the applicable rules of the WMDs. Also, lists ERP general permits.

Chapters 120, F.S., 161, F.S., 218, F.S., 253, F.S., 258, F.S., 373, F.S., 380, F.S., 403, F.S., 668, F.S. and 704, F.S.

Chapter 62-330, F.A.C.

ERP Applicant's Handbook Volume I. Volume I is the first part of a two-volume ERP Applicant Handbook. Volume I is used statewide by DEP and WMDs to provide general background information on the ERP program; and ERP permitting types, procedures, conditions for issuance and the operation and maintenance requirements.

Chapters 120, F.S., 161, F.S., 218, F.S., 253, F.S., 258, F.S., 373, F.S., 380, F.S., 403, F.S., 668, F.S. and 704, F.S.

Chapter 62-330, F.A.C.

Applicant's Handbook Volume II, DEP and NWFWMD (Design and Performance Standards Including Basin Design and Criteria). ERP Applicant’s Handbook Volume II, accompanies Applicant's Handbook Volume I and assist persons in understanding rules, procedures, standards and criteria, for implementing the ERP program within the boundaries of the Northwest Florida Water Management District (NWFWMD).

Chapters 120, F.S., 161, F.S., 218, F.S., 253, F.S., 258, F.S., 373, F.S., 380, F.S., 403, F.S., 668, F.S. and 704, F.S.

Chapter 62-330, F.A.C.

Applicant’s Handbook, Volume II (SJRWMD). ERP Applicant’s Handbook Volume II, accompanies Applicant's Handbook Volume I and assist persons in understanding rules, procedures, standards and criteria, for implementing the ERP program within the boundaries of the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD).

Chapters 120, F.S., 161, F.S., 218, F.S., 253, F.S., 258, F.S., 373, F.S., 380, F.S., 403, F.S., 668, F.S. and 704, F.S.

Chapter 62-330, F.A.C.

Applicant's Handbook Volume II (SRWMD). ERP Applicant’s Handbook Volume II, accompanies Applicant's Handbook Volume I and assist persons in understanding rules, procedures, standards and criteria, for implementing the ERP program within the boundaries of the Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD).

Chapters 120, F.S., 161, F.S., 218, F.S., 253, F.S., 258, F.S., 373, F.S., 380, F.S., 403, F.S., 668, F.S. and 704, F.S.

Chapter 62-330, F.A.C.

Southwest Florida Water Management District Applicant's Handbook Volume II. ERP Applicant’s Handbook Volume II, accompanies Applicant's Handbook Volume I and assist persons in understanding rules, procedures, standards and criteria, for implementing the ERP program within the boundaries of the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD). 

Chapters 120, F.S., 161, F.S., 218, F.S., 253, F.S., 258, F.S., 373, F.S., 380, F.S., 403, F.S., 668, F.S. and 704, F.S.

Chapter 62-330, F.A.C.

South Florida Water Management District Applicant's Handbook Volume II. ERP Applicant’s Handbook Volume II, accompanies Applicant's Handbook Volume I and assist persons in understanding rules, procedures, standards and criteria, for implementing the ERP program within the boundaries of the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD).

Chapters 120, F.S., 161, F.S., 218, F.S., 253, F.S., 258, F.S., 373, F.S., 380, F.S., 403, F.S., 668, F.S. and 704, F.S.

Chapter 62-331, F.A.C.

State 404 Program. Establishes the State 404 Program.

Chapters 373, F.S., 380, F.S., 403, F.S., 668, F.S. and 704, F.S.

Chapter 62-331, F.A.C.

State 404 Program Applicant's Handbook. The 404 Applicant's Handbook assists persons with understanding the rules, procedures, standards and criteria that apply to the State 404 Program.

Chapters 373, F.S., 380, F.S., 403, F.S., 668, F.S. and 704, F.S.

Chapter 62-340, F.A.C.

Delineation of the Landward Extent of Wetlands and Surface Waters. Provides a unified statewide methodology for the delineation of the extent of wetlands and surface waters.

Chapters 373, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-342, F.A.C.

Mitigation Banks. Provides additional criteria for mitigation banks and is used by DEP and three WMDs.

Chapters 373, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-344, F.A.C.

Delegation of the Environmental Resource Program to Local Governments. Guides the participation of local governments by providing procedures and requirements for delegations of all or part of the ERP program.

Chapter 62-345, F.A.C.

Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method. Uniform mitigation assessment method (UMAM) is used to determine the amount of mitigation needed to offset adverse impacts to wetlands and other surface waters by awarding and deducting mitigation bank credits.

Chapter 62-520, F.A.C.

Ground Water Classes, Standards and Exemptions. Defines ground water classes according to designated uses and establishes minimum ground water quality standards and procedures for water quality exemptions. Establishes permitting and monitoring requirements for installations discharging to ground water, including zones of discharge.

Chapter 62-521, F.A.C.

Wellhead Protection. Establishes permitting requirements and prohibitions for installations within wellhead protection areas.

Chapter 62-524, F.A.C.

New Potable Water Well Permitting in Delineated Areas. Establishes requirements for construction and testing for potable wells within a delineated area.

Chapters 120, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-528, F.A.C.

Underground Injection Control. Establishes construction, testing, permitting and monitoring requirements, for injection wells. Defines injection well classifications.

Chapters 373, F.S. and 376, F.S.

Chapter 62-531, F.A.C.

Water Well Contractor Licensing Requirements. Establishes requirements for becoming a licensed water well contractor and grounds for disciplinary actions. 

Chapters 120, F.S., 287, F.S. and 373, F.S.

Chapter 62-532, F.A.C.

Water Well Permitting and Construction Requirements. Establishes requirements to obtain a permit for water well construction, repair or abandonment.

Chapters 120, F.S., 373, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-4, F.A.C.

Permits. Establishes fees and procedures to obtain a permit.

Chapters 120, F.S., 253, F.S., 258, F.S., 373, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-302, F.A.C.

Surface Water Quality Standards. Establishes the minimum surface water quality criteria which are necessary to protect the designated uses of a water body, Rule 62-302.530, F.A.C., classifies surface waters of the State, Rule 62-302.400, F.A.C., and prohibits the degradation of water quality in Special Protection, Outstanding Florida Waters (OFWs) and Outstanding National Resource Waters, Rule 62-302.700, F.A.C.

Chapters 373, F.S. and 403, F.S

Chapter 62-312, F.A.C.

Dredge and Fill Activities.  The Oct. 3, 1995, version of rule only applies to activities within OFWs of Monroe County, FL., Rule 62-312.400, 62-312.410, 62-312.420, 62-312.430, 62-312.440, 62-312.450 and 62-312.460, F.A.C. Applies to ERP or grandfathered dredge and fill permit applications which qualify for grandfathering under sections 373.414(15) or 373.414(16), F.S. These rules are to be used with other ERP rules.

Chapters 373, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-330, F.A.C.

Environmental Resource Permitting. Establishes the statewide thresholds, criteria and conditions for the processing and issuance of ERP permits by DEP, WMDs and delegated local programs. Incorporates by reference the necessary forms and other documents, including the applicable rules of the WMDs. Also lists ERP general permits.

Chapters 120, F.S., 161, F.S., 218, F.S., 253, F.S., 258, F.S., 373, F.S., 380, F.S., 403, F.S., 668, F.S. and 704, F.S.

Chapter 62-330, F.A.C.

ERP Applicant's Handbook Volume I. Volume I is the first part of a two-volume ERP Applicant Handbook. Volume I is used statewide by DEP and WMDs to provide general background information on the ERP program; and ERP permitting types, procedures, conditions for issuance and the operation and maintenance requirements.

Chapters 120, F.S., 161, F.S., 218, F.S., 253, F.S., 258, F.S., 373, F.S., 380, F.S., 403, F.S., 668, F.S. and 704, F.S.

Chapter 62-330, F.A.C.

Applicant's Handbook Volume II, DEP and NWFWMD (Design and Performance Standards Including Basin Design and Criteria). ERP Applicant’s Handbook Volume II, accompanies Applicant's Handbook Volume I and assist persons in understanding rules, procedures, standards and criteria, for implementing the ERP program within the boundaries of the NWFWMD.

Chapters 120, F.S., 161, F.S., 218, F.S., 253, F.S., 258, F.S., 373, F.S., 380, F.S., 403, F.S., 668, F.S. and 704, F.S.

Chapter 62-330, F.A.C.

Applicant’s Handbook, Volume II (SJRWMD). ERP Applicant’s Handbook Volume II, accompanies Applicant's Handbook Volume I and assist persons in understanding rules, procedures, standards and criteria, for implementing the ERP program within the boundaries of the SJRWMD.

Chapters 120, F.S., 161, F.S., 218, F.S., 253, F.S., 258, F.S., 373, F.S., 380, F.S., 403, F.S., 668, F.S. and 704, F.S.

Chapter 62-330, F.A.C.

Applicant's Handbook Volume II (SRWMD). ERP Applicant’s Handbook Volume II, accompanies Applicant's Handbook Volume I and assist persons in understanding rules, procedures, standards and criteria, for implementing the ERP program within the boundaries of the SRWMD.

Chapters 120, F.S., 161, F.S., 218, F.S., 253, F.S., 258, F.S., 373, F.S., 380, F.S., 403, F.S., 668, F.S. and 704, F.S.

Chapter 62-330, F.A.C.

Southwest Florida Water Management District Applicant's Handbook Volume II. ERP Applicant’s Handbook Volume II, accompanies Applicant's Handbook Volume I and assist persons in understanding rules, procedures, standards and criteria, for implementing the ERP program within the boundaries of the SWFWMD. 

Chapters 120, F.S., 161, F.S., 218, F.S., 253, F.S., 258, F.S., 373, F.S., 380, F.S., 403, F.S., 668, F.S. and 704, F.S.

Chapter 62-330, F.A.C.

South Florida Water Management District Applicant's Handbook Volume II. ERP Applicant’s Handbook Volume II, accompanies Applicant's Handbook Volume I and assist persons in understanding rules, procedures, standards and criteria, for implementing the ERP program within the boundaries of the SFWMD.

Chapters 120, F.S., 161, F.S., 218, F.S., 253, F.S., 258, F.S., 373, F.S., 380, F.S., 403, F.S., 668, F.S. and 704, F.S.

Chapter 62-331, F.A.C.

State 404 Program. Establishes the State 404 Program.

Chapters 373, F.S., 380, F.S., 403, F.S., 668, F.S. and 704, F.S.

Chapter 62-331, F.A.C.

State 404 Program Applicant's Handbook. 404 Applicant's Handbook, (Procedures, standards and criteria that apply to the State 404 Program).

Chapters 373, F.S., 380, F.S., 403, F.S., 668, F.S. and 704, F.S.

Chapter 62-340, F.A.C.

Delineation of the Landward Extent of Wetlands and Surface Waters. Provides a unified statewide methodology for the delineation of the extent of wetlands and surface waters.

Chapters 373, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-345, F.A.C.

Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method.  UMAM is used to determine the amount of mitigation needed to offset adverse impacts to wetlands and other surface waters by awarding and deducting mitigation bank credits.

Chapter 62-520, F.A.C.

Ground Water Classes, Standards and Exemptions. Defines ground water classes according to designated uses and establishes minimum ground water quality standards and procedures for water quality exemptions. Establishes permitting and monitoring requirements for installations discharging to ground water, including zones of discharge.

Chapter 62-671, F.A.C.

Phosphate Mining Waste Treatment Requirements. Establishes effluent guidelines, limits and standards for mineral mining and processing of phosphate bearing materials, and new source requirements.

Chapter 62-672, F.A.C.

Minimum Requirements for Earthen Dams Used in Phosphate Mining and Beneficiation Operations and for Dikes Used in Phosphogypsum Stack System Impoundments.

Chapter 62-673, F.A.C.

Phosphogypsum Management. Contains procedures and permitting requirements for phosphogypsum stack systems. Also provides operational and closure requirements.

Chapter 62-701, F.A.C.

Solid Waste Management Facilities. Contains technical provisions applicable to siting and construction of phosphogypsum stacks systems, including liner procedures and hydrogeological and geotechnical investigation requirements. 

Chapter 62C-17, F.A.C.

Master Reclamation Plan for Lands Disturbed by the Severance of Phosphate prior to July 1, 1975. Administrative procedures and reclamation standards that implement the provisions of Part I of Chapter 378, F.S., related to the reclamation of lands mined for phosphate prior to July 1, 1975.

Chapter 62C-35, F.A.C.

Certification to Administer Reclamation Rules. Procedures for local governments to petition for delegation of authority to administer the mined land reclamation program.

Chapters 120, F.S. and 378, F.S.

Chapter 62C-36, F.A.C.

Limestone Reclamation Requirements. Establishes administrative procedures and reclamation standards for land disturbed by mining operations related to the extraction of material composed principally of calcium or magnesium carbonate, including limestone, dolomite, shell and coquina.

Chapters 120, F.S. and 378, F.S.

Chapter 62C-37, F.A.C.

Heavy Mineral Reclamation Requirements. Establishes administrative procedures and reclamation standards for land disturbed by mining operations related to the extraction of resources found in conjunction with sand deposits which have a specific gravity of not less than 2.8, including zircon, staurolite and titanium minerals.

Chapters 120, F.S. and 378, F.S.

Chapter 62C-38, F.A.C.

Fuller's Earth Reclamation Requirements. Establishes administrative procedures and reclamation standards for land disturbed by mining operations related to the extraction of clay possessing a high absorptive capacity and consisting of montmorillonite or palygorskite (also known as attapulgite).

Chapters 120, F.S., 211, F.S. and 378, F.S.

Chapter 62C-39, F.A.C.

Reclamation Requirements for Solid Resources Other Than Phosphate, Limestone, Heavy Minerals and Fuller's Earth. Administrative procedures and reclamation standards for land disturbed by mining operations related to the extraction of material such as gravel (non carbonate), sand, clay (other than fuller's earth), dirt, soil and peat.

Chapters 120, F.S., 211, F.S. and 378, F.S.

Chapter 62C-25, F.A.C.

Conservation of Oil and Gas: General. Implements the provisions of Chapter 377, Part I, F.S., Regulation of Oil and Gas Resources.

Chapter 62C-26, F.A.C.

Conservation of Oil and Gas: Permitting. Implements the provisions of Chapter 377, Part I, F.S., Regulation of Oil and Gas Resources.

Chapter 62C-27, F.A.C.

Conservation of Oil and Gas: Drilling. Implements the provisions of Chapter 377, Part I, F.S., Regulation of Oil and Gas Resources.

Chapter 62C-28, F.A.C.

Conservation of Oil and Gas: Production and Flowlines. Implements the provisions of Chapter 377, Part I, F.S., Regulation of Oil and Gas Resources.

Chapter 62C-29, F.A.C.

Conservation of Oil and Gas: Injection Wells, Well Workovers and Abandonments. Implements the provisions of Chapter 377, Part I, F.S., Regulation of Oil and Gas Resources.

Chapter 62C-30, F.A.C.

Conservation of Oil and Gas: Wetlands and Submerged Lands. Implements the provisions of Chapter 377, Part I, F.S., Regulation of Oil and Gas Resources.

Chapter 62-6, F.A.C.

Standards for Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems. Establishes permitting requirements for onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems, septic tank contractors, service entities and state fees.

Chapter 62-17, F.A.C.

Electrical Power Plant Siting. Establishes the process for the submittal and processing of applications, and terms and conditions for the construction, operation and maintenance of electrical power plants. 

Chapters 120, F.S. and 403, F.S

Chapter 62-17, F.A.C.

Transmission Line Siting. Establishes the process for the submittal and processing of applications, and terms and conditions for the construction, operation and maintenance of electrical transmission lines.

Chapters 120, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-807, F.A.C.

Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Siting. Establishes the process for the submittal and processing of applications, and terms and conditions for the construction, operation and maintenance of natural gas pipelines.

Chapters 119, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-814, F.A.C.

Electric and Magnetic Fields. Establishes electric and magnetic field (EMF) standards for electrical transmission lines and substations, to prescribe how compliance with those standards shall be determined.

Chapter 62-8, F.A.C.

Ad Valorem Tax Assessment Rules - Guidelines for Tax Assessors. Addresses ad valorem property tax assessments for manufacturing or industrial plant facilities in order to prevent industrial air or water pollution.

Chapters 193, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 18-14, F.A.C.

Administrative Fines for Damaging State Lands or Products Thereof. Applies to any state-owned land.

Chapter 18-18, F.A.C.

Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve. Proprietary rules specific to this aquatic preserve.

Chapters 253, F.S. and 258, F.S.

Chapter 18-20, F.A.C.

Florida Aquatic Preserves. Applies to all aquatic preserves, except Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve.

Chapters 253, F.S. and 258, F.S.

Chapter 18-21, F.A.C.

Sovereignty Submerged Lands Management. Applies to all submerged state-owned land; implements the administrative and management responsibilities of the Board Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund (BOT), DEP and Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (DACS).

Chapters 120, F.S., 161, F.S., 253, F.S., 258, F.S., 373, F.S. and 597, F.S.

Chapter 62-4, F.A.C.

Permits. Establishes fees and procedures to obtain a permit.

Chapters 120, F.S., 253, F.S., 258, F.S., 373, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-620, F.A.C.

Wastewater Facility and Activities Permitting. Establishes procedures for individual National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits.

Chapters 120, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-621, F.A.C.

Generic Permits. Establishes procedures for and incorporates by reference generic permits which operate as NPDES general permits in Florida. These include:

Chapters 373, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-624, F.A.C.

Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems. Establishes procedures for permitting Phase I and II MS4s.

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Regulations for Revision of the Water Pollution Control Program Addressing Stormwater Discharges. Federal Stormwater Rule.

Stormwater Discharges. Federal Stormwater Rule.

Chapter 62-4, F.A.C.

Permits. Establishes fees and procedures to obtain a permit.  

Chapters 120, F.S., 253, F.S., 258, F.S., 373, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-40, F.A.C.

Water Resource Implementation Rule. Provides water policy goals, objectives and guidance for the development and review of programs, rules and plans relating to water resources.

Chapters 373, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-113, F.A.C.

Delegations. Includes Operating and Delegation Agreements which have been entered into by DEP and another state agency, political subdivision or water management district. These agreements are incorporated by reference.

Chapters 110, F.S., 120, F.S., 373, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-160, F.A.C.

Quality Assurance. Defines the minimum field and laboratory quality assurance, methodological and reporting requirements of DEP.

Chapters 373, F.S., 367, F.S., 403, F.S. and 668, F.S.

Chapter 62-302, F.A.C.

Surface Water Quality Standards. Establishes the minimum surface water quality criteria which are necessary to protect the designated uses of a water body, Rule 62-302.530, F.A.C., classifies surface waters of the State, Rule 62-302.400, F.A.C., and prohibits the degradation of water quality in Special Protection, Outstanding Florida Waters (OFWs) and Outstanding National Resource Waters, Rule 62-302.700, F.A.C.

Chapters 373, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-340, F.A.C.

Delineation of the Landward Extent of Wetlands and Surface Waters. Provides a unified statewide methodology for the delineation of the extent of wetlands and surface waters.

Chapters 373, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-520, F.A.C.

Ground Water Classes, Standards and Exemptions. Defines ground water classes according to designated uses and establishes minimum ground water quality standards and procedures for water quality exemptions. Establishes permitting and monitoring requirements for installations discharging to ground water, including zones of discharge.

Chapter 62-522, F.A.C.

Ground Water Permitting and Monitoring Requirements. Establishes permitting and groundwater monitoring requirements, including zones of discharge for installations discharging to groundwater.

Chapters 120, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-550, F.A.C.

Drinking Water Standards, Monitoring and Reporting. Adopts EPA rules, establishes primary and secondary drinking water standards and regulates treatment, monitoring and reporting requirements for public water systems. 

Chapter 62-600, F.A.C.

Domestic Wastewater Facilities. Provides minimum standards for the design and operational criteria of domestic wastewater facilities. Establishes minimum treatment requirements for domestic wastewater facilities.

Chapters 369, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-602, F.A.C.

Water or Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plan Operators and Distribution System Operators. Establishes requirements for certification of drinking water and domestic wastewater treatment plant operators.

Chapter 62-603, F.A.C.

Detergents. Establishes limitations on the amount of phosphorus contained in domestic household laundry detergents sold in the state.

Chapter 62-604, F.A.C.

Collection Systems and Transmission Facilities. Establishes design, construction and operation requirements for wastewater collection and transmission systems.

Chapter 62-606, F.A.C.

Releases from Gambling Vessels. Addresses the releases of wastes from gambling vessels operating in Florida coastal waters and the minimum waste-service demand to be met by berth/waterfront-land facility owners, as required by Chapter 2008-231, Laws of Florida, Clean Ocean Act, which created section 376.25, F.S. (2008).

Establishes minimum staffing requirements for facilities based on capacity and type of treatment process utilized by the facility.

Chapter 62-610, F.A.C.

Reuse of Reclaimed Water and Land Application. Defines reuse as the deliberate application of reclaimed water, in compliance with department rules, for a beneficial purpose. Provides a comprehensive and detailed set of requirements for the design and operational criteria of a wide range of reuse and land application systems consistent with EPA's Guidelines for Water Reuse.

Chapters 120, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-611, F.A.C.

Wetlands Application. Provides State regulations and standards for domestic wastewater discharges to wetlands, both man-made and natural. Establishes frequencies and monitoring criteria for all treatment, receiving and man-made wetlands.

Chapters 373, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-620, F.A.C.

Wastewater Facility and Activities Permitting. Establishes the procedures to obtain a permit to construct, operate or modify domestic and industrial wastewater facilities. Includes requirements for establishing permit limitations and conditions. Contains requirements for monitoring and reporting after the permit is issued.

Chapters 120, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-621, F.A.C.

Generic Permits. Establishes the procedures to obtain a generic permit with applicable NPDES authorization or non-NPDES for certain activities.

Chapters 373, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-625, F.A.C.

Pretreatment Requirements for Existing and Other Sources of Pollution. Establishes pretreatment requirements as part of the State NPDES. Provides for the protection of domestic wastewater facilities from pass through or interference from pollutants contributed by industrial users of the domestic wastewater facility.

Chapter 62-640, F.A.C.

Biosolids. Defines biosolids as the solid, semisolid or liquid residue generated during the treatment of domestic wastewater in a domestic wastewater treatment facility but not including solids removed from pump stations and lift stations or screenings and grit removed from the preliminary treatment components of domestic wastewater treatment facilities. Regulates the beneficial use of biosolids in Florida, including the distribution and marketing of biosolids and the land application of biosolids.

Chapters 373, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-650, F.A.C.

Water Quality Based Effluent Limitations. Establishes guidelines for the Water Quality Based Effluent Limitations (WQBEL) determinations, level I and level II.

Chapter 62-660, F.A.C.

Industrial Wastewater Facilities. Provides minimum operation and treatment standards, and effluent limitations for industrial wastewater facilities. Establishes the design, treatment and operation requirements of general permits for laundromats, pesticide waste degradation systems, car wash systems, sand and limestone mines and tomato wash water.

Chapters 120, F.S. and 403, F.S.

Chapter 62-670, F.A.C.

Feedlot and Dairy Wastewater Treatment and Management Requirements. Establishes the design, construction and operation requirements for animal feeding operations, dairy farms in the lake Okeechobee drainage basin and commercial egg production facilities. Establishes definition of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations.

Chapter 62-671, F.A.C.

Phosphate Mining Waste Treatment Requirements. Establishes effluent guidelines, limits and standards for mineral mining and processing of phosphate bearing materials and new source requirements.

Chapter 62-672, F.A.C.

Minimum Requirements for Earthen Dams Used in Phosphate Mining and Beneficiation Operations and for Dikes Used in Phosphogypsum Stack System Impoundments.

Part I - Provides requirements for phosphate mining and beneficiation operations including new dam construction, operational requirements, inspections, contingency plans and non-clay phosphate mining impoundments. 

Part II - Provides requirements for phosphogypsum stack system impoundments, which includes construction, assessment, operational, procedural, inspection and maintenance requirements for perimeter earthen dikes and phosphogypsum stacks. Includes training, contingency plans and emergency measures.

Chapter 62-673, F.A.C.

Phosphogypsum Management. Contains procedures and permitting requirements for phosphogypsum stack systems. Also provides operational and closure requirements.

Chapter 62-699, F.A.C.

Treatment Plant Classification and Staffing. Establishes minimum staffing requirements for facilities based on capacity and type of treatment process utilized by the facility.

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