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Lack of Sleep Effects PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional Lack of Sleep Effects powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on Lack of Sleep Effects in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

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Lack of Sleep Effects Presentation Transcript

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Sleepiness Causes Accidents

Studies says "sleep loss and poor-quality sleep can causes of accidents".

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Less Sleep May Dumbs You Down

If you don’t get enough sleep ,it impairs attention, concentration, reasoning, learning, memorization etc.

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Less Sleep Can Lead to Serious Health Problems

Sleep disorders and chronic sleep loss can cause of heart disease, bp problem, diabetes etc.

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Lack of Sleep Depleted Sex Drive

Lack of Sleep may be another factor in the sexual slump.

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Sleepiness Causes Unhappiness and depression

Lack of sleep can contribute to the symptoms of depression and unhappiness.

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Sleepiness Ages Your Skin

Lack of Sleep can lead to lackluster skin, fine lines, and dark circles under the eyes.

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Sleepiness Makes You Forgetful

Lack of Sleep can responsible for memory loss. Try getting plenty of sleep for memory sharp.

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Less Sleep causes Weight Gain

Study says lack of sleep increase in hunger and appetite, and possibly become obese.

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Lack of Sleep May Increase Risk of Death

In research who has decrease their sleep from 7 to 5 hours may doubled their risk of death.

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Sleepiness causes Irritability

Lack of Sleep makes you moody or irritable.

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Ready to sleep Zzzzzzzzz…..