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Distinguish Between Foreign Trade And Foreign Investment Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Distinguish Between Foreign Trade And Foreign Investment In this digitalized world globalization is an integral phenomenon when it comes to globalization – production, selling, and investing across countries have become an important phenomenon. A consequence of globalization is that MNCs and foreign trade can be considered agents of globalization due to the integration of markets all around the world. The increase in foreign investment by MNCs has increased the role of foreign trade, resulting in the integration of production and markets across countries. In this we will try to explain the difference between foreign trade and foreign investment .
Slide 2 - What is Foreign Trade and its types ? In foreign trade, goods and services are bought and sold across international borders. Globalization has made markets all over the world interconnected and interlinked, which has further enhanced the role of foreign trade. There is no country that has all the resources at its disposal ,some have one or the other resource in abundance compared to other countries. So, in order to fulfill their needs, one country imports a commodity that they have in scarcity from other countries which have it in excess and it forms the basis of foreign trade. Types of Foreign Trade – 1.Import Trade Imports refer to the purchase of goods and services from other countries to your own country. Countries import those goods they lack from countries that have them in abundance or raw materials to produce the final product in their own country. 2.Export Trade International trade is the sale of goods and services from one country to another. Countries export goods they have in abundance and therefore sell them on foreign markets. 3.Entrepot Trade It is basically a kind of trade mechanism where countries purchase products and services from one country, remodel, and then sell them in other countries.
Slide 3 - What is Foreign Investment and its types An inward flow of capital through which foreign companies or individuals invest in developing countries in order to benefit from cheaper resources and a dynamic business environment is known as foreign investment Another form of international business is foreign investment. Through foreign investment, foreign companies or individuals set up companies or manufacturing units in other countries, or get a stake in their existing businesses. Foreign investment offers a number of advantages, including the infusion of modern technologies and resources, which is one of the main reasons why governments encourage foreign investment.   Types of Foreign Investment- 1.Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) It is foreign direct investment when a country invites capital by allowing foreign companies to produce and sell directly in its own country. Foreign companies directly set up shop in India by building their own plants, bringing in technology, and collaborating with Indian companies to do so. In collaboration with their home country, these companies either manage the entire business or have a say in its management. The investor company seeks a substantial degree of management control or influence over the foreign company to gain a long-term interest. Direct investments are made with the intention of gaining a long-term interest in the enterprise. 2.Foreign Portfolio Investment Foreign Institutional Investors, or Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI) as they are now called, are overseas companies registered in India with the intention of investing in Indian securities that are listed and traded on exchanges. Foreign Institutional Investors play a very important role in any economy. They are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) maintains a ceiling on such investments. It is the big companies that invest a considerable amount of money in the Indian market, such as investment banks, mutual funds, etc. Foreign companies exert a strong influence on a country’s economy because market trends move upward when foreign companies invest or buy security, while they go down if they withdraw their investments.
Slide 4 - Conclusion Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment are considered to be the lifeblood and an important vehicle for economic development, especially for a developing nation. In this interconnected world, it enables nations to optimally utilize resources and technology through mutual cooperation and benefit mutually. Note- If you want to learn about stock market and want to make career in this , then you should first acquire knowledge about the working of the stock market and in this a stock market basic course can help you to gain and acquire knowledge of that and can help you to kickstart your career.