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Save Tiger Save Earth PowerPoint Presentation

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Save Tiger Save Earth Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Save Tiger
Slide 2 - Not only is tiger a beautiful animal but it is also the indicator of the forest's health
Slide 3 - A cat of beauty, strength, and majesty, the tiger is master of all and subject to none - except humans.
Slide 4 - If we make sure tigers live, we have to make sure that deer, antelope and other animals that the tiger eats live.
Slide 5 - Forests catch and help store rainwater and protect soils. In this way we protect our rivers and recharge groundwater sources. Areas with less trees lead to floods, killing people and destroying homes.
Slide 6 - By destroying the tiger's home, we not only harm tigers, but also ourselves.
Slide 7 - The tiger thus becomes the symbol for the protection of all species on our earth since it is at the top of the food chain.
Slide 8 - What Needs to be Done to Save the Tiger ??
Slide 9 - Spread the word
Slide 10 - Reducing pressure on natural resources
Slide 11 - Encouraging Students
Slide 12 - Use of external institutions Institutions, such as NGOs. Donate money to tiger conservation organisations
Slide 13 - Stop poaching and don't encourage poachers Tigers are sometimes hunted for their fur or their body parts, which can be used in traditional Chinese medicine.
Slide 14 - Ban the goods made of tiger skin
Slide 15 - Protect forests
Slide 16 - At the turn of the century, there were almost reportedly 40,000 tigers in India, but now only around 4,000 remain in the wild.
Slide 17 - Despite all the efforts to preserve the  Tigers, it is believed that around 50 to 60 tigers were shot dead during the late years.
Slide 18 - Bengal Tigers form the largest subspecies of tigers in the world. Most commonly found in India and Bangladesh. Several projects have been set-up by government agencies to help conserve the Bengal Tiger population, the largest one being ‘Project Tiger’. Bengal Tigers
Slide 19 - In the wild white tigers are extremely rare due to the scarcity and low probability of a tiger inheriting both recessive genes but in captivity breeders are taking white tigers and breeding them with each other. Father with daughter, brother with sister etc.
Slide 20 - save tiger save earth