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Leadership explained in the PURSUIT of HAPPYNESS PowerPoint Presentation

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Leadership explained in the PURSUIT of HAPPYNESS Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - the PURSUIT of HAPPYNESS leadership lesson
Slide 2 - Perception The Action-Observation-Reflection Model. He follows this model to show how he perceived the board room. Observed the boards attitudes towards him, reflected on how he could change it, and acted appropriately to gain their respect.
Slide 3 - Perception Cont. Self Awareness: individuals who are keenly aware of their own strengths and short comings often find ways to either manage or staff around their personal knowledge and skill gaps. Example: Uses his strength of speech to “manage” the staff.
Slide 4 - Perseverance/ Referent Power Subject had been in jail, still made the interview- nothing will stop him He used referent power (personality) to obtain admiration/respect from his superiors
Slide 5 - 5 Factor Model 1) Neuroticism- anxious/ self conscience He may have these feeling or emotions but he tries to not make them noticeable 2) Extroversion- assertiveness/cheerfulness The subject is assertive with board room members, while maintaining a positive attitude about his less than appropriate attire
Slide 6 - 5 Factor Model Cont. 3) Openness- imaginative/adventurous/honesty Subject views the larger picture or benefits that the position will eventually give him States that he is willing to take risks and step outside his comfort zone (schooling) Honest about the situation and why he was dressed the way he was
Slide 7 - 5 Factor Model Cont. 4) Conscientiousness- achievement striving/self disciplined. He tries his best to provide the best life for his son, and getting this job was a big achievement for him. Comes early and consistently to the office to check on his job status
Slide 8 - 5 Factor Model Cont. 5) Agreeableness- sympathy/cooperation The situation or circumstances Offered to do whatever necessary to fulfill job requirements
Slide 9 - Values, Ethics, and Morals. Values- : constructs representing generalized behaviors or states or affairs that are considered by the individual to be important. Example: not lying about his appearance and jail. Turns down offer down because he wants to provide for his child. (priorities)
Slide 10 - Values, Ethics, and Morals Cont. Showcased relevant ethical standards by sacrificing his own time and comfort. Uses moral reasoning to skip to the beginning of the list to get ahead, because he needs to leave to go to the homeless shelter to find a spot.
Slide 11 - Initiating Structure (Leadership Behavior) Initiating Structure- how much a leader emphasizes meeting work goals and accomplishing tasks. Establishes Performance Standards, and Monitors Performance Standards. Example: Call lists, and efficient work habits.
Slide 12 - Goals Require Commitment "Can I say something? I'm the type of person that if you ask me a question and I don't know the answer, I am going to tell you that I don't know. But I bet you what, I KNOW how to find the answer and I WILL find the answer." - Christopher Gardner "Don't ever let someone tell you, you can't do something. Not even me. You got a dream, you’ve got to protect it. People that can’t do something themselves, they feel the need to say that you can’t do it either. You want something, go get it. Period!" - Christopher Gardner