You’ll feel giddy and accomplished with these classic and unique ideas.
While it’s unclear exactly when and where April Fools’ Day originated, we do know that it’s been around for a very long time. So while it might seem like a silly holiday, it’s kind of a tradition at this point. And if you’re a goofball who likes to partake in jokes, then it’s the perfect time to do that. There are plenty of funny April Fools’ pranks out there that will leave everyone laughing, whether it’s your kids, your partner, your friends, or your colleagues. You just need to put in a little effort, and you can trick them all. Big Brown Paper Bags

The key to pulling off a good April Fools’ prank is to keep things silly and harmless. You don’t want to do something that’s just going to annoy someone, or pull a prank that leaves someone inconvenienced (think swapping the sugar for salt. It’s a waste of coffee and money!) You also don’t want to do something that could potentially hurt someone (no jokes that you’re cheating or that you have some horrible illness, please). Keep it light and easy, and do something that will leave people more confused than anything else. Need ideas? The below April Fools’ pranks are perfect for everyone in your life.
The key to successfully pranking your kids is to do something they’ll find funny. You definitely don’t want to make them cry or panic. Only pull pranks on kids that will get it — you might want to skip making the effort for a toddler.
Add some spice back to your relationship with a silly prank. Avoid cliched ideas like “I lost my engagement ring” (which could cause real panic) or “I’m pregnant” (which is just a huge no all around). Instead, opt for something funny and not super annoying.
If you’re planning to prank your colleagues, be sure you let management or someone know so that you don’t get in trouble. And remember: harmless pranks only less you want a one-on-one with your HR department.

Small Shopping Bag Remember: keep April Fools’ Day fun and light by playing these harmless April Fools’ pranks. You’ll definitely get some good laughs, but you might also have to watch your back next year.